chapter 28

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Diamond awoke to a sunny room. It was cold, and empty. She just wanted to lye there all day, Shutting out everyone and everything around her. She grabbed the silk covers, and they rid up the,bedside. Just get up! she Told herself. She got up like a slugma, And slapped on some clothes. She could smell pancakes from her doorstep! The scent flooded through her nose. Green! Diamond just knew they were Green's pancakes! She walked down the long hallway of doors, As she was the last door in the hall. She yawned as she approached the group. Diamond looked around to see what was going on.

To my right....... Copper preaching about how she should be with Red and not Amethyst. On my left..! Wait what?????

Diamond turned back to her right with a jolt of her neck! She wanted to try and calm Copper and Red down, but she decided she had her own problems to deal with. Gold wasn't anywhere to be seen. Whatever! She slipped into an empty booth, Blaziken on the other side. He put on a sad face. She just put on a (Not so convincing) Fake smile.

"No one wants to sit by me Blaziken! Their all having fun with each other! Laughing g and all! Lynn doesn't even hear or care about anything since she got high on fundip!" He sighed deeply. Amethyst and Green came in with sizzling pancakes. They set a stack a few feet high in front of Diamond! Syrup drizzled down the stack. she ate a few bites, But then scooted them away. Amethyst didn't look to good. Diamond didn't know what Krys said, but Amethyst went to her room, groaning. Diamond had had enough of being neglected by the group! She stormed out of the pokemon center to take a pretty long walk. "OH MY ARCEUS!" She dropped to her knees on the concrete sidewalk. A grewsom storm was brewing in the clouds. Diamond didn't care about anything! She closed her eyes. But when she opened them, she wasn't on the busy sidewalk anymore! she was in a field of wheat, though the same storm was still brewing. Violent wind blew her hair around. Welcome! A hissing voice rumbled the plains. "Who is that!" Diamond Turned her body around. "Blaziken use-" She was cut off by the voice. oops! he's a little tied up right now! A green snake's bottom half came Down from the darkest cloud. Blaziken was at the tip of it, screeching for help! "Let him go!" Diamond ran toward Blaziken as fast as she could. She wouldn't make it in time. She leaped into the air with Blaziken's Pokéball, which was neglected. She opened it, and a red beam went toward Blaziken. Not so fast! the deep voice rasped. He squeezed Blaziken by curling his tail, and there, right before her very eyes.... Blaziken dissolved into a trillion particles. "NOOOO!" Diamond screamed in horror at the top of her lungs! The voice let out a deep chuckle. "YOU DID THIS" She took out her father's knife, and held it up to the sky. "IF YOU WANT ME, COME AND GET ME!" She yelled over the wind. One certain Legendary pokémon latched to you by prophecy has been invading teratories. This pokémon is rather mysterious, quite like you! I think you get the picture that it i you who must stop this.Only the one you trust the most, is the one that stands along your side! Until then, I plot your Death! The voice was gone, and Diamond was left in the whipping field. She screamed, and stabbed her knife into the soil. A ripple came upon the land. She was back on the hard sidewalk. It wouldn't

be long until the storm set off! Diamond dashed back to the pokemon center, pushing everyone out in her way. When she got in, No one was eating breakfast anymore. She ran to the hall with back to back doors, and burst into Amethyst's room. She was sweating, her clothes sticking to her chest. The others were there as well. "HE TOOK HIM!" Diamond screamed. "Who?" Amethyst questioned. "THAT THING! IT TOOK BLAZIKEN!" She screamed shakily. Gold tried to keep Diamond steady with a hug, but she slapped him away. "YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT AMETHYST! RIGHT!" For the green snake said only the one you trust the most stands along her side. Amethyst gave her a dark look. "Yes, I know what your talking about!" Diamond's eyes were then drawn to Archinine. He gave her a worried look. "He knows something." Diamond stated. "He is valuable!" Amethyst nodded, as she hopped out of the bed. Thunder struck the town. It scared Lynn so bad, she snapped out of her fun dip comma! "We have to get out of this city." She said seriously. The group nodded. "Not so fast." Diamond slowly said. She stared at the overhead fan light on the ceiling. It flickered until it went out with a spark. All other lights and electronics followed. "Power outage!" Amethyst whipped on her coat, and nodded at Diamond. "Lets go look for Blaziken!"

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