Chapter 29

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The wind whipped around Diamond and Amethyst like they were plastic bags, drifting through a pokemart parking lot. Every single drop of rain stung Diamond's skin on impact. They had Been searching for around an hour, Amethyst looked beat. Diamond grabbed her arm, as she was about to drop. "We can't give up!" She cried. "I know! Lets keep searching!" Amethyst nodded. The 2 trainers called for him, looked for him, did anything they could! No luck. they were running up a street, out of breath. Diamond could make out a cube shaped box lying lying 35 feet ahead of her. Amethyst looked at her, as she saw it to! They came to a halt when they reached the box. The cardboard was soggy, mushy, and caving in. The rain had pretty much demolished it! On the top there was a note. It was written in pencil, and sloppily. It stated left for dead. Amethyst gasped, and picked up the note with both hands so It wouldn't break into 2. "Heartless!" She said through her teeth, as she crumble the paper in her fist. Diamond didn't know what was in the box, But whatever it was, someone wasn't pleased with it! She opened all four sides, to see around 8 Shivering, helpless eevee's huddles together. Diamond quickly pick one up, and listened to its breathing. "Not good! They'll die if we don't take them!" She stated. "But don't we need to look for-" Amethyst began. "That can wait! take four, and lets get back to the pokemon center, Nurse Joy will have to take care of this!"


"Get them all on that operation bed! I'll have to get them all on breathing treatments stat, but there is no power, so a steam bath will Have to do the trick!" Nurse joy frantically worked on the eevees. "will they live?" Red asked. "Who knows? it all depends on how much they want to hold on!" Nurse joy got downcast eyes. Diamond but her nails.(which she never did) She couldn't stand to see a helpless handful of eevees pass away just because a careless person attempted to throw them away!


Diamond walked into Amethyst's room. Krys, Silver, Red, and Copper Were in there as well.

"So here is what I figured out about your dream....." Silver began. Diamond jolted into focus.

"What about my dream!" Diamond questioned.

"eehhhhehheehh....... I meant Amethst's dream...." he StudderedDiamond got furious. She couldn't help it! Her face got hot. She grabbed Silver by the shirt, and brought him nose to nose. She felt his studderung breathe blowing against her chin." Look! Just because we ALL know you have a HUGE crush on Amethyst" Se gestured to everyone. "Doesn't mean YOU put HER before ME! Got it? IVe had enough of you lately, it's GETTING OLD!!" She relieved him from her grasp. Silver flicke his hair out of his face."look!" He siad in a dangerously icy tone. "Maybe there was a freaking clue about your Blaziken was being held and what i was about to say. But your PEA SIZED BRAIN obviously couldn't comprehend that and you blew up like the arrogant jerk you are!" He clenched his fists. "Im sick of having you on my tail." "Silver Stop!" Amethyst pleaded, on the verge of tears! "No Amethyst! I have to take matters into my own hands sometimes!" Diamond looked at him with menessing eyes. She got a tight voice. "Number one, I wouldnt be talking since yoy brain isnt to big either hit shot. Second, YOU wouldnt tell me anythig about Blaziken considering you don't give a crap about me! And ?third off.." She stopped speaking, and smirked. "Your going down....hard!" Diamond Leaped at him, fists out ready for a full out brawl! But teo arms wrapped around er waist just as she was about to tear through him. it was Gold. "Stop! He isn't worth it anyway!" He pleaded against her. She relaxed a bit. She turned around to leave with Gold. But as she reached the doorknob she turned her head back to Silver. "One more slip, you Won't know what's coming."She slammed the door behind her.


Gold set Diamond down on her bed. "What got into you!" He looked down at her. Diamond looked out the window. "Silver doesn't know me." She began." He thinks I'm stupid Just because I actually care about my pokemon!" Her lip quivered a bit. Gold sat down next to her, and pulled her closer. "You and Silver just havnt had any Bonding time with each other!" He tried to cover up. "No! No one understands me! IIt's my priority to keep every pokemon safe! I know that has been what I was out on this earth for since.... since.....Meloetta." She closed her eyes." I understand them and they understand me! And the only person that understands That..... is you." diamond looked up to Gold. His eyes were glazed over. with a moment of nothing accept starring at eachother, their lips touched.

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