Chapter 47

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Diamond's P.O.V

Amethyst and Diamond decided to come down to the play place to check in on their pokemon.

When Diamond glanced through the clear,soundproof window It seemed like The couple was helping Velencia up into the Mankey bars.

But when she took a closer look, They where actually getting her away from something. Velencia darted the other way horrified!

Diamond swung open the wooden door, and ran to the scene, Amethyst behind her.

A Familiar Honchcrow stood on the other side of Glaceon and Arcanine.

Silver's Honchcrow!

"What did you do to my-" Amethyst started to scream at the dark type. But a voice behind her interrupted before she could finish.

"Aww! look like Honchcrow just plays a little rough now doesn't he!"

You guessed it.

"Well Silver," Amethyst turned around to meet him eye to eye.

"Tell your Honchcrow to grow up!"

"What's wrong? Is he too much for your amateur eevee to handle?" Silver Sarcastically stated.

"She isn't amateur! She's young! How low exactly do you have to get to pick on a baby pokemon?" Amethyst spat back, as she grabbed Velencia,and cradled her in her arms.

" How low can I go? Your the one that broke up with Red after one battle! So don't talk to me about low!"

"It wasn't one battle! Red always tried to protect me from that stuff! Thinking that I wasn't strong enough, same for Diamond! Your brain is wired the exact same way as theirs except without at least attempting to do anything good! You seem to be forgetting that I have power in my own relationships and you don't!"

Diamond cut in.

"Silver, You always talk a big game just like they did, when you really simply aren't half as powerful as the person you're talking to! You're fake, so don't play the whole 'I'm better then you' game on us! That's just stupid boy crap! And we know what that is! So just take your Honchcrow and tell it to pick on someone their own size!"

Diamond turned to the Honchcrow.

"I'm sorry you've become this way, you wouldn't be like this if you weren't taught it first! No pokemon should be that way. But you are now so you should go with the one that has already taught you!" And he gladly did.

Are you guys ok?" Diamond turned to the three pokemon. They all nodded their heads.

"Thank you for not causing a huge battle and handling it the right way! We all know that Silver has a big ego so we shouldn't let it get the best of-"

A voice on the intercom blared into Diamond's ears.

All cuteness category contestants please make your way to stage 3. All coolness category contestants please make your way to stage 1 Best of luck!


Diamond and Glaceon watched as the contestants before them walked off of the stage waving.

"And now folks we have a special treat for y'all! You all know and love her! Your Sinnoh champion, Diamond Pleachfern and her astounding Glaceon!"

The crowd roared.




Diamond hit the music, and they twirled out on stage! Diamond curtseyed at Glaceon, and she stood on her hind legs, bowing to the best of her ability.

"Awwww!" The crowd already started.

They blew kisses too each other as they strutted to separate sides of the stage. Diamond pulled Glaceon in with an imaginary rope, and she inched forward after every tug. Once Glaceon got to her, she picked her up, did a double, then swung her to middle stage while in the air!

"Spin!" She commanded politely. Glaceon spun down into an icy tornado, and Diamond's view of the audience was fogged a bit.

But not enough to miss a gleaming shine of Golden eyes meeting hers.

Of course.


Why must Gold show up at everything? She felt a flame light inside her, urging her to prove herself. But she quickly extinguished it, since Glaceon was right in the middle of a nice type move.

She broke contact with. him, and turned to Glaceon to see that her tornado had turned into a burst of sparkling snow!

They nailed it!

"And that was Diamond and Glaceon showing the crowd that with every storm comes a beautiful ending!"

They exited the hot stage confidently, and right when she got into darkness she could see Green spots in her vision from the lights.

"Great job!" Diamond high fives her four legged friend.


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