Chapter One

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-Mahiru's POV-
"Mahiru! Come over here for a minute!" I heard my uncle shout from the living room as I attempted (but failed) at combing my hair.
I dropped the comb and half sprinted out my door and down the hall, as I expected, my uncle was sitting on our dark blue couch and reading a piece of paper, 'A letter?' I thought.
"What is it?" I sat down next to him and tried to look at what he was reading.
"We're going to be picking up your brother today, his name is Kuro. He's a little older than you and kinda a little bit  troubled, so be nice to him, and make him feel really welcome here. Okay?" He spoke softly, like mom used to.
My eyes widened."I will! It's the simplest option!" I half-shouted.
"'Simple boy, just like your uncle." He said, ruffling my hair.
I had known for a while that my uncle had agreed to look after a foster kid for a while now, and I was super excited. I mean, I loved Uncle Toru and all, but I had always wanted a brother or sister.
-5 hours later-
I bounced up and down in the minty green seat outside the door as I waited for my uncle and my new brother to come outside, as I began thinking about what he'd be like, the door opened. My uncle came out and waved at somebody.
"Come on, Kuro. Don't be shy. This is Mahiru."
A few seconds later, a boy with light blue hair and shiny red eyes came out of the door, he looked tired. Like, really tired.
"Hi! I'm Mahiru!"
"I know..."His voice was deep, and his reply was quiet.
"Come on! Let's go to the car!"I grabbed his hand and started running. He stumbled behind me, but followed, dragging his suitcase behind him.
Once we were at my uncle's shabby car, I yanked the handle on a door.
"It's locked, what a pain." Kuro breathed out.
A few seconds of awkward staring later,  my uncle was outside. He then unlocked the car doors and I, still holding onto Kuro's hand, pulled him inside.
The car ride was quiet, since Kuro had fallen asleep pretty quickly. I had asked my uncle a bunch of questions.
"Will Kuro come to my school?"
"Yeah, he'll be in your class."
"Can we go to Sakuya's later?"
"Yes, I arranged for his sister to babysit the three of you while I'm at the shops today."
"What's for dinner?"
"You two can pick whatever you want."
As we pulled into the driveway, I nudged the sleeping kid next to me.
"Kuro! Kuro, we're home now!"
"Can it, Hyde." He mumbled.
"Who's Hyde?" I asked, puzzled.
"I think he was one of Kuro's foster siblings he's going to your school tomorrow, too. He's in the sixth grade though." My uncle answered.
I tapped Kuro on the shoulder.
"Come on~" I whined.
He then opened his eyes, and a few sleepy moments later we were inside and my uncle was showing Kuro where everything was.
"Oh, Kuro. I forgot to ask, what do you want for dinner?"
My uncle asked, and I turned my head to Kuro.
"Uhh..... Can I have ramen?" Kuro rubbed the back of his head.
A few moments later, Kuro was lying on the bottom bunk bed as I looked through my friend (and sibling's) suitcase. I found a few clothes a stuffed cat, A light blue backpack with a bell on the zipper, some video games and a toothbrush.
"You don't have much stuff, do you?" I asked.
"Well, I shared most of my things with my foster siblings at the orphanage. So I don't own that much." He yawned.
Lifting up the stuffed cat, I saw an orange container-bottle thing with tic-tacs in it.
"An-ti dep-ress-ants? Can I have some of your candy?" I sounded out the words on the bottle.
"Anti depressants, my fathe- caretaker, says I have to swallow those everyday, they're not candy. They taste gross. I have to take some at three today, so troublesome...."
"Thinking simply, I'll remind you everyday from now on!" I declared, loudly.
"Can you pass me sleepy ash?" He asked, sitting up and holding his hand out.
"What's a 'sleepy ash'?" I tilted my head.
"So's the stuffed cat..."
"Oh, here you go!" I said giving it to him, he looked at its beady eyes intently, and I looked at him even more intently.
"What, MahiMahi?"
"Don't call me that!"
"Whatever Mahiru-Sama."
"Don't shout, it's a such pain to be around loud people."
"Well- never mind. Anyway, what was your last name?"
"Oh, cool."
"...Your dad seems nice." Kuro remarked out of nowhere.
"H-He's not my dad, he's my uncle." I corrected him, for whatever reason, there were tears in the corner of my eyes.
As I blinked them away I remembered that were we're going to Sakuya's later.
"Hey, Kuro."
"We're going to my friend's house later! I can't wait for you guys to meet!"
"What a pain..."

Hey guys!
So I'd just like to say, the story won't just be about Kuro and Mahiru. But they will be the centre of attention.

-An excited Author

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