Chapter Nine

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-Misono's POV-

I looked at my watch, they were late. Everyone except for Kuro and Shirota was waiting outside the school. I looked at everyone's costumes. Hugh was a bat, Sendagaya was a strongman (one of the circus types.), Hyde was a hedgehog, Todoroki was obviously an angel, Lily was a butterfly and I couldn't believe he'd convinced me to be a  ladybug, seriously.

"Sorry we're late!" I turned and saw Shirota, whom was wearing a cape that looked like it'd just been stitched together, dragging a bored looking Kuro. The lazy half of the duo had some cat ears on his head. He looked stupid.

"So, what's the plan?" Lily smiled.

"First we'll walk to Tetsu's Grandma's place and put our sleeping bags and stuff there. Then, we'll go 'round looking for candy!" Hugh cheered.

"Tetsu, where is your Grandma's house anyway?" Mahiru looked at the tallest human being to ever walk the earth.

"The forest." He was a man of a few words.

While it was undeniably creepy being in some old house in the middle of the woods, it was comfortable. Hugh and I were 'mapping' out which houses to go to first.
"Did anyone bring a flashlight? We might have to walk back in the dark.."

Mahiru nodded. "I bought a few, actually."

"What about matches?"

"Why do we need matches?" Licht joined the conversation.

"There's no electrical heating, but there is a fireplace. So, does anyone have any matches?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"We'll have to stop somewhere then-" I started, but was cut off by Tetsu.

"This is pretty cool, are you a genius or something?" Tetsu was looking at the map I had made.

"Sendagaya, you're in my class. You shouldn't be surprised." I had no idea how to take compliments, other than denying them or ignoring them.


It was the last house of the night, and we knocked on the door, saying the obligatory line.

An older man opened the door, there was something familiar about his face, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I noticed that Kuro looked slightly puzzled as well.

"Gee, you kids are out late! Wanna come inside for some hot chocolate?" His eyes landed on me for a second and I walked back a little.

I knew that voice.

But from where? 

"No. We're just heading home." Kuro narrowed his eyes at him.

The man chuckled. "Oh well, here's your candy."
He put a few jellybeans in everyone's bags, except mine. He put a wrapped chocolate into mine.

"Th-Thanks..." How was I supposed to respond?

On the way back to Tetsu's, it was dark. Lily, Mahiru, Tetsu and Hyde were all holding flashlights, and I was carrying the matches. I heard heavy footsteps behind us, I shot around, but nothing was there.

"What is it, Misono?" Lily turned around to ask me since I was falling behind.

"Thought I heard something..."
"Maybe it was an animal or something, don't worry." Mahiru grabbed my arm so I could catch up with the rest of the group. I snickered slightly, 'don't worry' easy for him to say...

GLASS -A Servamp Kid!Fic-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang