Chapter Eight

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-Kuro's POV-

"Crap. We're already super late!" Mahiru whined, picking up the pace while we walked along the street. I exhaled to show my obvious annoyance.

"And it's your fault! Seriously, you need to get ready faster in the morning." He finished and I rolled my eyes, it wasn't my fault that my best jacket got dirty.

When we walked up the stairs the bell rung, and we saw someone familiar.

"Misono! You're out of the hospital already?" Mahiru ran up to him.

"Obviously. You two should get to class." I noticed that his left foot was slightly raised.

"Oi, what's with the limp?" I asked, as I was genuinely curious.

"I... I tripped, on the way here." The liar.

"Do you need help getting to class?" Momhiru grabbed his arm, softly.

"I can walk on my own!" He slapped Mahiru's hand away.

I signalled to Mahiru that we should get to our own class before we passed the five minute mark.


After we sat down, I noticed that some kids were all talking about Halloween.

Mahiru turned to me, excited in the stupidest way. "What do you wanna go as?" He smiled.

"I don't really want t-" He cut me off.

"You can go as a panda or a cat!" His eyes lit up, I was going to say something but I didn't wanna ruin his day, so I nodded. Shut up.

"I'm gonna go as batman!" I choked when he said that, definitely not what I expected.

"Kidding!" He finished, I sighed.

"Then what're you going as?" I was curious.

"A ghost."

"... Seriously?"



"It's an easy costume."

I shrugged, fair enough.

"I'm kidding, Kuro."


After the final bell rang, we saw Lily and Misono walking so we ran up to them.

"Don't you guys normally get driven home?" I was straight forward, no reason for dancing on thin ice.

"We thought we'd get some gelato on the way home, wanna tag along?" Lily answered while Misono didn't acknowledge us. Mahiru politely declined his offer and we walked past the park.

"It's still light out, wanna go on the swings for a little?" Mahiru stopped walking and pointed. It wasn't dark yet, but the sky was already an orange colour.

I shrugged, and he took that as a yes.

There were other kids around, but it still felt quiet. Mahiru stood up on his swing and I closed my eyes while I swayed back and forward. I heard him swing up pretty high along with a short scream and the sound of him hitting the ground. I opened my eyes and figured he'd be fine. But then some tall kid helped him up. He was blonde, and he had blue bobby pins taking hair out of his eyes. Mahiru started talking to him but I zoned out, I saw some younger kid wearing a cape and top hat run up to them, then I caught a glimpse of his face.

"Hugh?" I said it pretty quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

"Kuro!" He ran over and hugged me, pushing me off the swing and into the dirt, I groaned a little.

We talked to them for a while, we learnt that the tall guys name was Tetsu and that his family owned an onsen.

"We're going trick or treatin' with Hyde and Lily, 's well as the guys they live with. Tetsu's Grandma is going away for the week and we're allowed to sleep there, by ourselves! Wanna join?" Hugh chirped.

"Sure! How about we meet here on Monday after school?" Mahiru seemed excited.

I thought about it. It sounded like a pain, but if Mahiru wanted to go, I did too. I nodded.


"So I'm going as a cat, and you're going as a superhero? Weird, can't deal..." I yawned while we sat on the couch.

"It's gonna be awesome! I'm kinda sad that I can't go with Sakuya though..."

"Why isn't side curl coming again?"

"Dunno. Said he had plans or somethin'."


I picked up a newspaper on the coffee table. It mostly had boring stuff, considering it was a local newspaper. The school was getting a new classroom, boring. A new fruit shop was opening, boring. Our team won some sport, boring. Another kid went missing, expected. There was some police investigation in the forest, boring. There was a haunted house down the road, boring.

Boring, utterly boring.

Mahiru got up to make dinner since his uncle wasn't home yet. He was pretty good at cooking, but he only really made basic stuff, or 'simple' meals as he liked to call them. Since ramen was what he considered simple, I was fine with it. While I'll admit that before I started living with him I only ate unhealthy junk, but I was really starting to like his spaghetti.


Thunder boomed outside while we sat at the table, it didn't really phase either of us.

"Are you nervous about Halloween?" I sighed, shoving spaghetti into my mouth.

"What do you mean?" Mahiru put down his fork.

"Do you think they'll come after anyone?" I wasn't so sure myself, and Mahiru usually knew a lot about these things.

His breath hitched for a second, but he shook his head.



As we were washing dishes, Mahiru suddenly froze and turned towards the window.

"There's laundry on the line..." His eye twitched.

"And it's already drenched. We'll get it tomorrow." I sighed.

"Kuro. Most of our clothes are out there."

"So? It's not like we can get them now."

"We can try and grab them-"

"Whatever. You go do that."

"I need your help though."

He looked stressed. There were a lot of clothes, and I didn't want him to catch a cold. Shut up.


"You get the clothes on the right side, I'll get the left." He breathed as we stood under the cover,  trying to think of a quick way to get everything.

"We run out on three?" I turned to him, he nodded.

"One... Two..." We said in sync.

"Three!" I ran as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast. Mahiru instantly slipped over, fell flat on his face and landed in mud. I stifled a laugh and helped him up. We scrambled around to grab clothes, but by the time we were inside I was drenched in cold rain water and Mahiru had mud in his hair.

"Wanna take a bath?" He said laying clothes along the floor.

"Whatever, you're basically a mud monster so I'll let you go first." I sat on the  couch,    squeezing water out of my fringe. He nodded and walked towards the bathroom.

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