Chapter Three

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-Kuro's POV-

"Ah, it's getting late!" Toru put his phone back into his jean pocket.

"Uncle, we have to wait 'til Misono gets back." Mahiru protested.

I looked to see if the kid was around somewhere, he wasn't.

Lily came back, he looked frantic "He's not in the bathrooms." He then put on the most obvious fake smile "I'm sure he just wondered off. Please, don't wait around for us."

Much to Mahiru's discomfort, his uncle agreed and we all said bye.

As we walked out the door, I felt Lily grab my arm.

"You really care about that boy, don't you big brother?" He gave a genuine smile.

"You're one to talk, you're basically that short kid's guardian."

"Touché Kuro, touché. You really haven't changed. "

"Anyway, apparently we go to the same school now. So I'll see you tomorrow, bye Snow Lily."

"See you soon, Kuro."

I ran after my new family.

After Mahiru and I were in pyjamas, we lied down on our bunk beds.

"Goodnight, Kuro."

"'Night, MahiMahi."

-Mahiru's POV-

I was awoken by a tap on the head.

"Oi, wake up." I saw red eyes staring at me, I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Something wrong, Kuro?" I whispered.

"Can't sleep."

"What? You're always sleeping!"

He shrugged.

"You can sit next to me up here with me and talk for a little if you want..."

Since he was already up on the top bunk with me, I moved over so we could both fit on one end, we sat in silence for a few minutes, staring at the ceiling.

"Hey, Mahiru?" He turned to me.


"Do you... Like, consider me family or something? I mean, I know we've only known each other for a couple of hours and all, but still..."

I was taken aback. I decided to be honest, it was the simplest option.

"Well, not exactly..."

His eyes widened and he looked as if he'd just been shot in the face, or the heart.

"But like.........Well, It's weird. It's almost like I consider you as more. I mean, you're like family but better, you know?" I continued.

He paused and then replied, with barely a whisper.



The next morning, I awoke to the back of Kuro's head- Did we fall asleep together? I sat up and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Kuro, wake up. We have school."

"Whatever." He mumbled back at me.

I then gave him a shove.

"You're so cruel, MahiMahi."



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