Chapter Ten

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-Kuro's POV-

I wanted to vomit, and cry. We all did.

But all we could do was stand there.

Mahiru grabbed my sleeve, I grabbed his hand.

"What... What do we do?" Licht sounded unsure, it didn't seem like him.

"Mahiru, Hyde and I will stay. Kuro, Lily and Licht can go into town and get help." Misono spoke up, he wasn't looking at Tetsu and Hugh. It was obvious that he was trying to sound confident.

I then noticed Hyde, there was no light in his eyes. I realised why. He probably wasn't in the best place.

"Hyde." I grabbed his arm.

"I'll stay, you go with Lily and Licht." I told him, everyone watched.

It was like he hadn't even noticed me there. I moved my hand in front of his face, but his eyes didn't follow.

"Hyde!" Licht shouted. Hyde whipped around, and the reality seemingly kicked in. He started bawling his eyes out, while mumbling things about 'her'.


The three of us sat, facing away from Tetsu and Hugh.

"Do, do you think it's our fault?" Mahiru spoke up.

"No, it's no-" My lie was cut off.

"We should've looked for them sooner!" Misono half yelled, his voice cracked.

There was a pause.

"I-I'm sorry.. It's just..." Misono put his face in his hands.

"I don't want it to happen to you guys, or anyone..." He whispered, seemingly to himself.

"It won't!" Mahiru stood up, I gave him a look.

We all turned when we heard a yell.

"Lilac! Where are you!?" That kid, Tsubaki? Ran onto the pathway.

I got up, and ran. I grabbed his arms.

"What did you do?!" I screamed at him, what was I saying?

"Do you really think I have any part in all of this? I can't find my friend, does that make it my fault?" He was being genuine, I let go of him.

It was like Tsubaki was different than the first time I saw him. At first he was weird, and honestly just creepy. But now, he was in the same boat as all of us.

Just some scared kid hoping his friends weren't dead.

It had been over a week.
"Y'know.... It's Hugh's birthday tomorrow..." Lily's voice almost cracked.
Lily, Misono, Licht, Hyde, Mahiru and I were all sitting in the park, savouring our time before the sun went down.
None of us were allowed out after dark, for good reasons.
"Can we... Visit him and Tetsu tomorrow?" Misono avoided eye contact. It was strange to hear him call someone by their first name.
" I think we should. After school tomorrow, at the cemetery." Mahiru spoke up, we all agreed.
I noticed Hyde, he was sitting a few metres away from us. Even though he never usually left Licht's side.
He had been more tired at school lately. Nightmares probably kept him up. I couldn't blame him.
Hyde had been like that after she died too.
Seeing him like that made me feel pretty terrible, almost angry.
But at what?
"I think Hugh would've liked the red ones..." Lily said, kneeling down to put flowers in the small vase.
Sendagaya's parents were there too. As well as all my other foster siblings, besides Jeje.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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