Chapter Two

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-Kuro's POV-
"Sakuya!" Mahiru shouted while his uncle knocked on the door. I had only known him for a few hours and to be honest, I was attached, but he couldn't know that. It'd be too troublesome for the two of us.
While I was lost in thought, a girl with green hair tied back in twin-tails, opened the door.
"Good afternoon, Shirota-san. My parents already left." When she said that, I noticed bandages on her lower arm. I remembered when I went to that weird feelings doctor I had seen a girl with bandages on the upper thigh.
"Please, just Toru is fine." Mahiru's uncle had corrected her. While they talked a green haired boy emerged from behind her.
"Sakuya! This is my new brother, Kuro." My sibling exclaimed, he almost sounded.... Proud? No way.
I gave him a slight wave and he dragged us into his room.
"Mahiru! I've got a new brother too~" Cabbage boy said, Mahiru gasped, and I stared.
"Now, just how much of that was a lie?" Green-chan did finger guns and Mahiru gently hit him on top of his cabbage patch.
"Oi, cabbage-chan." I said, grabbing both of their attention.
"It's Sakuya."
"Whatever, can I sleep on your bed?"
"Sure? I guess. Me and Mahiru will stay out here and wait 'til you wake up."
"Thank you, sakura."
I walked over to his bed and I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
-Mahiru's POV-
That boy really was something, I liked him. He looked peaceful on Sakuya's bed. Sakuya pulled out a pack of cards "Wanna play 'snap'?"
A few hours later I glanced over at the clock and saw it was seven, uncle would be back soon. I then realised I had something to remember. 'What is it again....'? I thought over and over again.
"Hey, Mahiru. Want some candy? I know where sis keeps it." Sakuya said out of nowhere. 'Oh right!' I had remembered.
"One second." I said, walking over to Sakuya and waking him up. He stared up at me with tired eyes and I simply said
"Tic tac thingies, I forgot to remind you."
He reached into his jacket pocket and took his medication.
"Hey! That's not fair! How come Kuro doesn't have to share!" Sakuya shouted, upset.
"It's not candy, idiot." Kuro remarked, deadpan as usual.
"Don't make fun of me!"
Just as Sakuya finished, a car pulled into the driveway.
"My uncle's here! See you tomorrow, Sakuya!" I hugged Sakuya and Kuro said bye then we thanked his sister for looking after us.
Once we got in the backseat Kuro miraculously was the first person to speak up.
"Toru, do I still have to see the weird feelings doctor?"
My uncles expression softened and he replied with
"Yep. that's not a problem, is it?"
Kuro shook his head and looked down. I remembered when I had to talk to a 'feelings doctor' after the car accident, I think Uncle said it was called 'ferappy'.
As the car came to a stop I noticed we weren't at home. I was about to ask uncle a question when he answered before I could speak.
"instead of getting cupped ramen, I thought we could eat some proper ramen here instead."
And in that moment, I thought Kuro's lifeless eyes had almost lit up.
I smiled.
When we sat at a table near the back, I noticed at a table next to us, there was a kid in the grade beneath me, I think his name was......Mino...No. That's right! Misono.
"I know that guy..." Kuro whispered while uncle talked to a waiter.
"Misono?"I asked.
"No, the other guy."
"I thought that was a girl..."
"No, his name's Lily he was one of my siblings."
"You don't look related at all."
"Neither do me and you."
Before I could retort, Lily noticed Kuro and walked over, leaving Misono confused.
"Big brother Kuro~" Lily came over and hugged Kuro.
"Hey Lily."
"Wait, Kuro, isn't this kid like, way older than you."
Lily then turned to me.
"Yes, technically by three years. But, I was the last person to go to the orphanage we used to live in."
Toru then noticed Lily.
"Oh? Are you a friend of Kuro's?"
"Old foster sibling." Kuro answered.
"Oh. Where's your guardian?" Toru looked at Misono, assuming he was linked to Lily.
Lily pointed to Misono. "His father asked me to take him to eat tonight."
My uncle gave him a smile. "You two can eat with us if you'd like."
"I'll gladly accept your offer." I then heard Lily whisper to him "Also, I'd be happy if Misono could make some friends." He then waved Misono over and the short boy walked over. He looked unsure about sitting with us for some reason.
"Don't worry, it's not too big of a crowd, is it?" Lily asked him, loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Don't s-say unnecessary things, L-Lily." He mumbled. He then took a deep breath and sat next to me. He fiddled with his sleeves anxiously as Lily sat next to Kuro.
After we had all ordered, except Misono. Lily. Began trying to make small talk.
"So, Kuro. How long have you been with this family?"
"A few hours." Kuro and I said in sync, we looked at each other.
"How long have you been with Misono, Lily?" I asked, it was the simplest option to go along with it.
"Around 6 years now" He smiled.
"One second guys, I've gotta take a call outside." Uncle Toru suddenly stood up and walked outside. Our conversation continued.
"Why isn't Misono's father with you?" Kuro asked.
Misono, who had been quiet the whole time, spoke up.
"Tha-That's none of your business!" He said with misty eyes.
We went quiet.
"So uhh... Kuro! How're the others doing?" Lily said, making an attempt at resuscitating our dead conversation.
"Fine. Hyde and Hugh got families today as well." Kuro yawned.
"Hugh was 2 or 3 when I got adopted, does he remember me?" Lily had a faraway look in his eyes.
"Duh, you spent the most time with him. Besides wrath of course."
Lily chuckled. "There's a reason we called her 'The Mother'."
While Lily and Kuro continued talking, I turned to Misono.
-Misono's POV-
Why was Lily so good with people? I hated crowds, like really hated them. I hated them because my legs would shake and my chest would get all tight. Even in class, I would pull my sleeves. I was smarter than the other kids, I knew that. But I couldn't talk to them, I hated it.
"Hey, Misono."
I looked at the boy next to me, he was.... Smiling?
"What do you want?" I replied in the nicest, happiest possible way.
"To talk to you of course, I'm Mahiru Shirota." He held out his hand.
I scoffed.
"Are you feeling alright?" Crap, he caught me off guard. I narrowed my eyes. I felt terrible and nervous, I knew that.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I snapped at him. I wanted to go home.
When everyone's food came. I was ready for that question.
"Misono, where's your food?"
That sounded about right.
"...'m not hungry" I mumbled. It was a semi-obvious lie. I didn't want to eat because I didn't want to get all dizzy and vomit and stuff. I think Hattori said I throw up all the time because of 'emotional stress' or something.
"Nonsense! Have some of mine." Lily grabbed a napkin and scraped around a quarter of his ramen onto it, I then watched him go get another fork from the counter.
I could feel that 'Kuro' staring at me.
'Just what is he thinking? Is he happy? No... Pity? Not that either.... Sympathy! That's it.' I thought.
After Lily came back so did Shirota's Uncle.
I tried to eat the food Lily gave me and everyone else talked.
"Excuse me, I need to use the restroom." I stood up.
"Go ahead, kiddo." Shirota's uncle said in response.
Instead of walking to the bathrooms, I walked outside and down the street. I needed to get away.
Not even a block down, I was out of breath. I elected to sit down in an alleyway to avoid joggers and such.

Then I heard voices from behind me.

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