First Day

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Lisanna's P.O.V:

Great. Just my luck. It's the first day of school and I'm already late? This sucks.

"LISANNA! Your going to be late if you keep dawdling!" Mom yells. I'm already pretty annoyed with life right now and this one pushed my over the edge.

"Can you SHUT UP, Mom?! I'm coming!"

"LISANNA!" My mom screams. "Don't talk that way to me!"

"I can say or not say whatever the hell I want!" Now. What's a good school that says: I want to be like you, but stand out? I snag a casual sky blue button down shirt and a pair of skinny jeans before i run down the stairs with my backpack. I trip and fall flat on my face as I look up and see my older sister. Mira.

"Lis! Are you alright?!"

I groan. "Just fine, Mira."

"Lisanna, sister. We are going to be late if you keep this up." My sister calls to me. 

"I realize that, genius." I snap. "I'm trying to hurry, here."

"Now, now, don't be mean, I just want to get to school on time." My sister's gentle voice brings my back to by senses. Calm instantly controls me.

"Alright." My mom tosses a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me. With ketchup. My favorite. I fell like crying as I say,

"Mom... Thanks."

"You know what would suit more? An apology. Now eat. You want to at least be there for first period on time, don't you?"

"I'm sorry, Mom. But we need to get to school, and I'm going to be--- Mom stopped me.

"Don't bother. It's fine. Just go. You need to be on time for the first day, don't you?

Mira started. "We should get going."

"I'm sorry, Mira." I say, slightly ashamed.

She carefully stroked my hair as she walked out. "Of course it's alright. Now, come!"

"Bye, Mom! I'm sorry!" I call back on my way out the door.

I see my mom smile at me and say, "Have the best first day of school!"

"It alright, Lis. Now, let's go!" I hop in as Mira stars the car and off we go.

"You nervous, Lis?" 

"A little." Mira looks at me straight in the face. "A lot." I admit. 

"Your going to be just fine." She says, eyes on the road. "Who knows, maybe you'll meet a cute boy!" I blush. The only boyfriend I've ever had was a boy named Haku. We "dated" from 7th to 8th grade. Now I'm in tenth. This is going to be different. I'm 16 now. I'm learning how to drive, I can stay out later, and I'm allowed to actually date.

"I know the first day can be hard, especially since we just moves here from Edolas. But, I'm sure you'll be alright. Remember, even if I'm a few grades away, I'm always right here with you." I smile. I can't believe I was just yelling at her back at the house. She really is the best.

"Can I sit with you at lunch?" I ask.

"How do you know I'm going to have a seat?" Mira asks playfully.

I groan. "Mira, your the most perfect girl in the world! You're smart, pretty, and kind. Everyone loves you!"

"If they love me, they will love you too."

I put the biggest grin on my face. "When do we get to see Brother Elf again?"

"Oh My. You still call him that? Does that mean he still calls you Lissy?


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. He's visiting from that boarding school over the weekend."

"Good!" I giggle. "Do you know why of the boys there? Who will you fall in love with? I going to need to engross myself into your love life, since I'm never going to have one."

"Don't be like that, Lis. You are beautiful, and the smartest girl I know. You will find a boyfriend."

"Alrighttttt. Now, answer the question. Do you know any boy here?"

"Well..." Mira started.

I squealed. "Who? Who is it? Is he cute?"

Mira sighed. "Calm down, Lis. His name is Freed. He is the assistant of the captain of the football team at Fiore High. 

I shrieked again. "What's he like?! When did you start dating?

"Lis! I only met him once, about a week ago. He has green hair, and likes to play by the rules."

"Awwww... He doesn't sound cute at all." I stifle a giggle.

"Lis!" Mira cried.

"Sorry, Sorry."

"Lis. Lis, look! It's huge! We're here! Fiore High!

Finally the dreaded moment arrives. All is silent. I realize that we have come to a stop. 

In a shaky voice I finally say, "This is it?" I turn to look out of the window. It's huge.

Mira beams. I look out of the window to the groups of kids huddled up. 

The Sport Kids. 

The Video Game Kids. 

The Nerd Group.

 The Theatre Kids. 

The Singers. 

The Outcasts. 

The Delinquents.

 And I see them. Laughing and chatting and sharing pictures on their phones. The Populars. The most popular kids are always huddled in the middle. Well, Mira will be there soon enough. I'll be lounging by the outcasts.

 I see two guys in the middle, one with raven-colored hair, and the other has pink. Pink? They seemed to be fighting. Wow. On the first day of school? Real mature.

Just what was this school? On the front of the school there was a giant sign. 


This felt too real. 

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