Jellal And Erza

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Lisanna's P.O.V

I had calmed down after my outburst with Elfman, so I was relived when we arrived. Natsu hopped out out the car and opened the door for me.

"The gang should be here soon enough." He says as I climb out of the car.


"That was so lame!" I scream inside my head. "Cool? Really?"

I see Gray hop out of the car, and he opens the door as a blunette with long, deep blue hair walks out.

"Hey, Flame-Brain! Yo, Lisanna!" Gray waves as he walks toward us.

"Sup, Ice-Princess." Natsu responds.

I see another car pull up in front of the giant valley. Loki and Lucy both get out and wave. Then Gajeel and Levy. One by one, the whole gang arrives. All of them wave and Natsu begins to walk toward a giant tree.

"Come on, Lis. This is where we used to go when we were kids!" He grins.

"Yo, Flame-Brain! Wait! We're missing someone!" Gray calls.

"Erza!" Natsu's eyes widen. "Where is she?" He calls.

"Why the hell should I know?!" 

"Shut up!"



"It's started." I see Lucy standing next to me.

"Hey Lucy." I say.

As we begin to talk about the boys who were trying to kill each other, one last can pulls up. The boys stop brawling and stand up.

"Erza!" They call as their eyes light up.

But Erza isn't alone. A tall, bue haired boy with a tattoo over his eye gets out the one side, as Erza gets out the other. 

"Hey!" She gives a small smile. I look over at the boys only to see them fuming with anger.

"JELLAL!!" The run and jump on top of the boy-named-Jellal and begin to punch him. I can hear his muffled grunts and small cries of pain. 

Erza's eyes widen as she screams at them to stop.

"Stop!" Natsu and Gray stop and look at her, surprised.

"ERZA! Have you forgotten who he is?" Natsu yells. I haven't seen him this angry before.

"No!" She screams with such force that I think time froze. Then, realizing how loudly she had screamed, she looked down and whispered,

"No...Of course I haven't."

"Then why is he here?!" Gray asks, anger flaring.

"He...He apologized. I...I forgive him."

"Forgive? Have you forgotten what he did to you?" Natsu yells.

"We swore we'd kill him if he tried to get near you again!" Gray resumes his normal level of volume.

"I know, and I am very greatf---"

"Forgive my ass!" Natsu shouts. "I don't care if he chopped his head off for you, I still wouldn't forgive him!"

"Natsu!" Lucy yells from my side.

"Natsu...Gray...I love you both, and respect your opinions, but I am giving Jellal a second chance."

Jellal smiled as he heard Erza's words.

"Thank you, Er---" Jellal begins, but Gray cuts in.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your voice!"

"You made Erza cry! I am never going to let you get away with that!" Natsu finishes.

"Please understand, guys..."

Gray takes a deep breath. "Alright, Erza. This is your choice. We love you like a sister, but be careful. if he does it again, I will not hesitate to take his life."

I am stunned with Gray's seriousness in that statement. Natsu glares at Gray.

"Don't tell me you forg---" He starts.

"YOU THINK I WOULD FORGET THAT?" Natsu looks at his best friend. 

"Sorry, man. We can't alter Erza'a choice, but the least we can do is protect her if it happens again."

Natsu's onyx eyes widen then he looks down, then look back up. "I'll be keeping a very close watch on him." He looks at Erza. Tears brim the red-head's eyes.

"Thank you..."

"Enough with this!" Gajeel shouts. "Let's have some fun!" Everyone cheers. Lucy walks toward the group but I grab her hand. She turns.

"Lucy, who is Jellal?" She sighs.

"Listen, Lisanna, Jellal is a sensitive subject among us. Jellal was Erza's old boyfriend. He was a good person. He was sweet, and really cared for Erza. I guess he chose to hang out with the wrong crowd, he got into drugs. He became, well "evil" as you call it. He became very "protective" over Erza. He once beat up Natsu for talking with her while he was around." I gasp. "And thats not it. He hurt Erza in more ways than one. He would slam her up against the lockers, and try to touch her. One day, he tied her up in front of his friends, mad her strip, and beat her half to death, and locked her in a closet. Natsu and Gray found her the next day, half dead. After that, Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel were expelled for beating Jellal in the front of the school."

"Oh god..." I almost smile at the thought of Natsu and Gray being so protective of Erza.

"This was only, maybe three months after Lisanna's death. So, as you imagine, it pushed Natsu over the edge. You know about Lisanna, right?" I nod.

"Anyway, let's play!" I nod, and we run toward the others, who are hanging out in the giant tree.

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