Elfman's Mistake

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Natsu's P.O.V

I sit on my bed and blast music in my ears. Geez, I had a great day, but Lis's brother means business. After I dropped her home, the guy yelled at me for 10 minutes straight! After, Mira apologized to me for another 10 minutes. Lis's family was cool, but wow.

My phone rings from my group chat with the gang. I pick it up and look at it.

Ice Princess: Yo, guys what do u wanna do tomorrow?

Erza: Movie?

Levy: Nah...

Loke: Girl hunt?

Lucy: NO.

Loke: Lol.

Ice Princess: What about you, Ash brains?

Natsu: We could hang out in the valley?

Cana: Sounds good to me.

Erza: Yeah.

Ice Princess: Why not.

Loke: Yay!

Lucy: Cool.

Levy: Yeah.

Juvia: Gray! Will you be there??

Ice Princess: Um yea Juvia.

Erza: Alright, if thats final, then I'm telling the rest of the guys now. What time?

Natsu: Let's settle for about 1?

Erza: k

I put down my phone and sigh. I should tell Lis, too. I pick up the phone and dial her number.

"Hey, Natsu. What's up?" I hear her voice on the line.

"Did you get the messages?" I ask.

"Just now. I'd love to come. Wait, are you inviting me?" I laugh.

"Of course! I called because you don't have a car yet, so do you want me to pick you up?"

"Oh, yeah, thanks, Natsu. What time?" She asks.

"I'll be at your house by 12:30. How's that?"

"Sounds Great! See you then!"

"Great. Bye Lis."

"Bye!" She hangs up the phone. I drop my phone on the floor and put my hands behind my head as I lay one the bed. Just then, Wendy runs into the room.  Wendy is my little sister. She's 13.

"Big Brother! Big Brother!" I sit up.

"Is something wrong, Wendy?"

"No, but Grandine wants you downstairs." She smirks.

"Don't look at me like that!"

"Sorry." With that she runs out of the room. I stand and walk out the door.

"Natsu! Natsu, come down!" Grandine yells.


As I walk down, I can't help but wonder if something went wrong. 

"I hear there's a new kid named Lisanna at your school." My dad, Igneel, was standing at the bottom of the steps.

"Yeah, so what?"

"Well, we thought you might be sad and hate her, so we wanted to talk---" 

I didn't let them finish because I started laughing.

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