Natsu Dragneel

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This is too real. My breathing quickens as I stare at the school. Fiore High. This is the day that my reputation will be made. I can't mess this up now. Mira drives the car up to the parking lot.

"You ready, Lis?"

"Anything but." I respond.

"You'll be fine." We climb out of the car and begin to walk toward the school. Mira starts to talk to be about classes and other stuff but I'm too busy staring at the kids. The populars. The geeks. As expected, as we walk up, the entire school turns to face us. All eyes go to Mira.

"Who's she?"

"She has got to be the prettiest girl in school."

"I've heard about her. Her name's Mira."

"Isn't she in 12th grade?"

"She just moved here."

"Who's that next to her? Her sister?"

"Who cares, look at her."

"She's beautiful!" Whispers echo about Mira in the front.

I sigh. Every single time. I know I should be used to it by now, but it still hurts. I look down, and I already know no one is looking at me. Mira looked perfect. She was wearing a back to school dress that went past her knees. It was pink and purple and she had her signature ponytail tying up her bangs. I, on the other hand, was looking as plain as can be next to her. My hair is short and choppy, even if it is the same silver as hers. I'm a shadow. Her shadow.

As I make my way looking down, through the crowd of students, Mira catches me.

"Head to the principal's office. He'll give you your schedule."

"Thanks, Mira." I say.

"Don't be down. I'll see you at lunch. Tell me about everything then."

"I wish you could come with me, Mira." God, I sound like a child!

"You know I can't. I'm always here, in case you need to call!" She motions to my phone safely tucked in my pocket. Mira kisses me on the top of the head as the crowd of boys and girls begin to drag her away from me.

"I love you, Lis! Have a great day."

"Mira!" I yell, but I know i have to go through the rest of this alone.

As I trudge through the crowd, I look for someone who looks nice to tell me where the principle's office is. I see a blond girl with big blue and a bluenette talking. I begin to walk over, when a hand grabs my by the wrist.

"Wait!" It's a boy's voice.

I turn to find the pink haired boy from before standing before me.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked, surprised.

"Who else? I grabbed your wrist!" He said. His smile lit up the whole room. This smile wasn't a playboy smile. Automatically, I blushed and looked down.

"Yo, my name's Natsu Dragneel, what's yours?" He says.

I continue on looking down. "Look up you fool! He's talking to you!" I scream at myself.

"Um... Hi. My name's Lisanna. Lisanna Strauss." He looks surprised for a second.

"Lisanna? That's a nice name. I had a friend named Lisanna. She was the best."


"She's gone. Cancer took her." He whispers sadly.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" All I do is remind him of sad memories. "I don't want to misunderstand, but... you're popular, right? Why are you talking to me?" I say.

He chuckled. "You've been through the front of school scenario before, haven't you? But your right, I guess. But am I not allowed to show you to the principle's office?"

"Huh? Oh, um, yeah sure!" I blabber like an idiot. Then blush.

"Follow me." Natsu leads me through the school. We go down narrow hallways, pass classrooms, and walk up 2 flights of stairs. It's too big to be true. I am going to get lost at this rate.

"This school is huge!" I exclaim.

"The more you're around it, the smaller it seems." Natsu responds. "Here we are!" We stop in front of a gold painted door with sofas beside it.

"He should be ready for you, Lis."

"Lis?!" I almost shriek.

"Do you not like that? I'm sorry, that's just what I used to call my friend Lisanna."

"No, No, No... It's fine! Really!" I blush again.

He puts on his signature grin and says,

"I hope I can show you around! I'll look for you at lunch! We might be in some classes together."

"Really?! Thanks!"

"You should go in. You don't want to keep Makarov waiting."

"Y-Yeah." I feel his onyx eyes burning into my back as I walk towards the door. He was actually nice! I blush as I remember his smile. Mira... I think I have my first crush!

Natsu Dragneel.

You Are You, And Thats Why I Love You (Nali High School)Where stories live. Discover now