EXO's birth names and their meanings

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Xiu Min - 金珉碩 - 김민석 - Kim Min-Seok - (‘min’ means ‘stone resembling jade’) (‘seok’ means ‘great, eminent, large, big’)

Lu Han - 鹿晗 - ‘Lu’ is a family name (and ‘deer’!), ‘Han’ is ‘pre-dawn’.

Kris - He’s slightly more complicated. His birth name was 李嘉恒 - Li Jiaheng. ‘Li’ is a family name. ‘Jia’ means ‘excellent, joyful, auspicious’, ‘heng’ is ‘constant, regular, persistent’. His new name is 吳凡, Wu Fan. ‘Wu’ is a family name, ‘Fan’ means ‘all, any, every, ordinary, common’.

Suho - 金俊綿 - 김준면 - Kim Jun-Myun - (‘jun’ is ‘talented, capable, handsome’) (‘myun’ is ‘cotton wad, wool, soft, downy)

Lay - 張藝興 - Zhang Yixing - ‘Zhang’ is not specified as a family name, but… it is. ‘Yi’ means ‘art, talent, ability, craft’, ‘xing’ means ‘thrive, prosper, flourish’.

Baekhyun - 卞白賢 - 변백현 - Byun Baek-Hyun - (‘baek’ means ‘white, pure, unblemished’, ‘hyun’ means ‘virtuous, worthy, good, able’)

Chen - 金鐘大 - 김종대 - Kim Jong-Dae - (‘jong’ means ‘clock, bell’) (‘dae’ means ‘big, great, vast, large, high’)

Chanyeol - 朴燦烈 - 박찬열 - Park Chan-Yeol - (‘chan’ means ‘vivid, illuminating, bright’) (‘yeol’ means ‘fiery, violent, vehement, ardent’) 

D.O. - 度慶洙 - 도경수 - Do Kyung-Su - (‘kyung’ means ‘congratulate, celebrate’) (‘su’ is… the name of a river in Shandong)

Tao - 黃子韜 - Huang Zitao - ‘Huang’ is a family name. ‘Zi’ means ‘offspring, child, fruit, seed of, 1st terrestrial branch’, ‘tao’ means ‘sheath, scabbard, bow case’. 

Kai - 金鐘仁 - 김종인 - Kim Jong-In - (‘jong’ means ‘clock, bell’) (‘in’ means ‘humaneness, benevolence, kindness’)

Sehun - 吳世勛 - 오세훈 - Oh Se-Hun - (‘se’ means ‘generation, world, era’) (‘勛’ does not appear to be an official Korean hanja. But the Chinese character means ‘meritorious deed, merits, rank’)

cr: EXO-Tao Page

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