Chapter 2

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“To the left, get into the formation damnit!” I yelled, face going red from the strain. We were in the battle room today, split into two groups, namely me and the general. My team was up by 3 men and the goal was to take down all the men of the enemy’s side. I crouched down. “Jason and Tim, hide in the lake and at the same time, wipe out any enemies hiding in the lake.”

A crackle “On it” came back from Tim. I smiled. Tim was always reliable, which made me choose him. I trusted him as well, which was why he was my best friend. I knew that I could always rely on him. When we were younger, we used to be teased for dating. In fact, we dated for a bit before realizing that the love we had for each other was brotherly and sisterly love and not that of two lovers. In fact, when we tried to kiss I ended up gagging and he ended up wiping his mouth on his sleeve. We then burst into laughter and never tried it again. After that incident, we became closer though. We had no longer any obligations to be all lovey dovey and tactful to each other.

A blast of blue flew over my shoulder, just missing me by a little bit, startling me out of my thoughts. Curling into a ball and making myself less of a target, I rolled over, bringing up my hands and freezing the two members from the other team. “Two down, three more to go.” I muttered.

“Jason down, I repeat, Jason down.” Crap. I thought. Means someone is hiding out at the lake. “Tim, there are enemies down at the lake.”

“Yup, two down. We only have the general left.”

“Stay hidden!” I hissed. So it was me and Tim against the General. Let’s do this.

Grabbing a branch, I hoisted myself up and flung myself quietly from tree branch to tree branch, hoping to catch a glimpse of the General. This was one advantage I had over the General, who was so muscular and well built that he would be too heavy to do this. Suddenly hearing a rustle below me, I glanced down, only to see a blur of blue speeding towards me. Yelping, I retaliated, sending back a bolt of blue from my hand, causing the water to disperse. Forming a spear made from ice, I threw it downwards, adding speed, aiming for the General’s hand. He dodged, the spear missing him by a hair’s breadth. Growling, I threw myself into the other tree, heading for the river, where I knew Tim was waiting for the ambush and we could outnumber him and win this game.

The crashing and snapping sounds from below informed me that the General was chasing me from below. Panting from the exertion, i gasped into the headset. “Coming your way, get ready for backup.”


Finally reaching the river, I landed on my feet, facing the general, who was also breathing heavily. “Out of shape?” I teased, as we exchanged blows, fighting hand to hand, with added bolts of blue. Doing a sweep, I knocked him off balance, to which he used a water trampoline to bounce him back up again. “Somebody’s being creative.” I laughed humourlessly. Gathering a substantial amount of water from the lake, I launched it towards him, causing some of the water to splash heavily on him. Undeterred, he launched another volley of bolts of blue towards me. Countering it with my own, out shots met, clashing with one another. Pushing harder, I began to feel the strain on my power. The General, being weaker than me, was beginning to be pushed back, his power weakening. “Tim, now!” I yelled. Tim leapt out of the lake from behind of the General, startling him, causing him to lose focus. In a matter of seconds, he was enveloped in water and ice. I, however, did not stop there. One minute later, I stood back, admiring my masterpiece. A frozen general stuck in an ice unicorn. Wow, I should definitely be an artist.  

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