Chapter 3

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“You should have seen his face when he was unfrozen! He looked like he on fire! His face was bright red and his eyes were bulging out! I nearly died laughing!” Tim choked out. Being the mischievous young kids we were, we had hidden behind a tree and watched the general storm away from the battlefield after he was unfrozen. I could understand his frustration. After all, he had lost three times in a row already, which was unheard of. Usually generals pitted against team members of lower ranks would crush them easily. It was because of this that he was the talk of the entire HQ.

            I actually fell quiet for a while, feeling bad for him, but then scowling as my heart hardened again. That would serve the head of the HQ right for putting me second in charge when I was clearly better at leading the team. Sighing, I headed over to the mess hall to collect my food. It was a Friday, which meant that there was junk food in the mess hall. My mood instantly lifted. At least things were going my way today.

            “Annabelle Koh!” Oh apparently things were not going in someone’s way today. I smirked. “Annabelle Koh, I want to talk to you!” Continuing to smirk, I turned to face the General who towered over me, glowering angrily, still sore about this afternoon’s match.

            “Yes, General?” I saluted.

            “In private.” He stated.

            Sighing, I turned to Tim, telling him to help me get a pizza. “No.”

            “Come on, you can’t be serious!” I grumbled, punching him in the shoulder.

            “I was just joking! Geez, lady!” He grumbled, punching me back. A punching match between me and him quickly ensued. Laughing hysterically, we punched each other, trying to get in as much damage as possible. Soon, I was being tickled mercilessly by Tim, who somehow always won these little matches.

            “Ahem.” We were interrupted by a throat clearing. Oops. I turned to see the General giving me a weird, troubled look. I frowned, confused at his expression. Upon seeing me stare at him, his face blanked and he cleared his throat again. “Follow me.” Following the General, I trudged after him to a secluded corner of the bottom of a staircase where he stopped. Turning around, he faced me, an uncomfortable look on his face. Eyeing me, he rubbed his neck, shifting from foot to foot.

            “Yes?” I stared at him weirdly. “May I help you, sir?”

            “I want you to give me lessons on controlling my water power.” He blurted out. I groaned internally. That would take up my free time. “In exchange, I will give you lessons on hand to hand combat.” Immediately, I brightened up. That sounded like a good deal. After all, the next time that Tim tried to tickle me, I would be able to defend myself against him. Furthermore, the General was renown for his hand to hand combat – he was the best in the entire HQ. “You have a deal, sir. See you at eight at the gym.” Offering my hand, he took it, giving a genuine smile. “Thank you. How about we make it my room? There’s more space and it would not be as noisy.” I gaped at him, stunned. That was one nice smile. White teeth, dimples, warm eyes. It was different from the cold- hearted jerk of a General that I knew who seemed to be barking orders and organizing everything into colours, shapes and what not. Shaking myself out of my stupor mentally, I nodded at the General. “Okay then, I shall be making my way back to the mess hall, see you Sir.”          

            “Let me walk you back. After all, I dragged you from your pizza.” He said, offering his arm. I took it, still dazzled by his grin, my mind replaying the memory of his face brightening up and his eyes softening over and over again.

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