Chapter 5

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            “No, no, no, no, no. Are you crazy? If you go there then you will ambushed!”

            “How about going splitting into two groups at the beginning so that the enemy will be distracted with one group and the other group can attack?”

            I sighed in relief. “At least you are making sense now. However, you need to split into one small group and one big group. The big group will act as the distracters while the smaller groups will scout round the back to attack people. This way, most of the enemies team will be taken down before they can react. Just checking, who are we up against in the match in three days at the battleroom?”

            The General frowned, “The earth elementals.”

            I groaned. The earth elementals had more benefit in terms of terrain. After all, our battle ground was simulated in a forest. The earth elementals could control the shifting our the earth and could make use of plants to create snares and entwine people.

On the other hand, the water elementals had the advantage of being able to heal the damage caused by the attacks from the Earth elementals as the human body was mostly made up of water.

The reason behind the legendary intense matches between the earth elementals was not only because of the highly matched level of skill between us and them but also because of the unspoken intense rivalry between the earth elementals and us. Somehow, we were always trying to outdo each other. So far in the Battleroom, the water elementals were winning by 7-6, which meant that if we won tomorrow’s match, we would win overall for the season. The matches had been dragging out for the longest this season, lasting for two months, the longest in the HQ history.

“We have been battling it out with them for so long that they know all our strategies already.” I complained. “How about we change strategy and do something unexpected?” Before I finished my sentence, I already had the sinking feeling that the General was going to reject all of my crazy ideas. After all, he was known for sticking to the norm and not taking any risks. Therefore, it was to my surprise that he nodded and agreed with me.

“Yeah, we could try that and end this battle for once and for all. What do you suggest?”

So then, it began the crazy planning session. Mission beat-the-crap-out-of-the-earth-elementals begin.

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