Chapter 4

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            8p.m. saw me regretting my decision to agree to the deal. After all, Tom and Jerry was on and it was my favourite show. Grumbling, I pushed off the sofa, only to be met with confused looks. After all, I never let anything interrupt me from Tom and Jerry. “Where’re you going?” Jason mumbled through a mouthful of popcorn.

            “I need to meet the General.” I grumbled, grabbing the popcorn from him and stuffing a handful into my mouth.

            “Have fun.” Tim laughed, turning back to the television.

            Throwing him a death glare, I slammed the door on the way out. “Bad mood?” A voice beside me commented dryly, causing me to jump away from it, hands automatically going up to defend myself. The voice chuckled and I found myself looking at the General slouching against the side of the wall.

            “When did you get here? I choked out, heart still thudding noisily after the scare I had.

            “I just got here actually, I wanted to pick you up, seeing that I’m a gentleman after all.” I snorted at his comment. “Let’s go.”


            We trudged along in silence towards the General’s room which was quite a distance away. The silence was soon broken by the General. “So, I was thinking, I do not know much about you.”

            “There is nothing much to know about me.” I replied simply. “I’m pretty much a boring person.”

            “Maybe, I can hang out with you more often to get to know you better.”

            I stopped in my footsteps, turning around to look at the General, examining his face to see if he was joking. Generals were never that free to “hang out”. They always had a hidden motive.

            “And maybe you can help me with strategy since you always outwit me.” He said, sporting a sheepish grin. There. At least he was truthful.

            “I’ll think about it.” I replied.

            With that, we reached the General’s room. Before opening the door, he turned and gave a crooked smile. “It’s a bit messy…”

            I laughed. “Its okay, you haven’t seen the side of my bunk bed. Its horrible.” Generals had their own room, while the rest of the team had to share a room despite the rank. It was something that I have always complained about especially during my monthlies but it was something that I had come to love. After all, without the company of my team, I would have died of boredom a long time ago. I could see the wistful look in the General’s eyes as he thought of that fact too. My heart softened. Beside all the glamour and respect you get as a General, you were bound to lead a lonely life. Generals had to remain detached from the rest of the team as they had to be someone that commanded respect from others, someone that others look up too. Generals were not friends. Maybe this is why I wasn’t made a General, I wouldn’t have been able to deal with the loneliness and cope with the stress without my friends.

            The General opened the door. “Let’s get this started.”         

The generalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora