Chapter 7

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            “Get up.” The General frowned down at me, pursing his lips. “We’ve only been going at it for 20 minutes.”

            “Are you serious? I probably won’t be able to get up tomorrow for training. I’m going to be all sore.” I moaned, sprawled out unglamly on the floor.

            “That’s because you’re doing it wrong. You’re not too bad at hand to hand combat, better than most people in fact, but you’re hitting the pressure points the wrong way. See, for example the pressure point at the neck, instead of hitting it directly, you have to try and hit from the side. Its like how they do it in Karate.” He demonstrated smoothly, lightly hitting my neck with his hand. “That way, you don’t need to put in as much strength but the impact is stronger.” I nodded, trying to absorb all that he was saying. “A secret to defeat an opponent quickly is to get him in the jaw and punch really hard upwards. If the neck snaps back fast enough, you can knock the person out.” Ew.that was gruesome.

            “Noted,” I said, grimacing. “How come you have never tried that on me before though?” I asked curiously. The General laughed. “You’re too fast, its hard to try and get in a shot when you’re going all crazy on me.” I chuckled. “Wow, thanks but how about we call it a day, I’m really exhausted and my clothes are soaked in sweat.”

            “Sounds good,” the General said. “But we have to discuss strategy after. How about we take a shower each and then continue. I always get inspirations in the bathroom anyways.”

With that I burst out laughing. “Seriously? Maybe that’s why you’ve been losing your mini battles against me!” I gasped, clutching my stomach.

            “Hey, not cool! Its not my fault that you’re good and always seem to outwit me.” The General sulked.

            “At least I admit that some of your ideas are original though boring. I actually improve on them and use them to beat you.” I smirked.

            “Okay, you can use the shower in the adjourning room – its empty and I will use my bathroom.” The General said, throwing me a camo tee, sweats and a pair of boxers as well as a plastic bad for dirty clothes. “Last one out is a rotten egg!”

            “Okay! But remember to shower clean!” I called over my shoulder, racing to the bathroom.

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