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Chapter2: You don't remember me?


"Oh Y/n you have to go meet a famous singer." Micheal told me.

"And for what?" I asked.

"He's famous duh! His name is Chara Reader!" Micheal smiled.

What does that name sounds so familiar?? Maybe it just a coincidence...

"Tomorrow be prepared to leave
Y/n and Do not do anything stupid!" He hissed.

"I got it father!" I laughed.

"Oh you are so funny! And have you seen Lily? I really wanted to talk to her today..." he said blushing.

"Oh come on if you like her ask her out!" I joked.

"I-Its not that easy you idiot!" He blushed in embarrassment.

Why do being called an idiot sound familiar?? What is my problem today?

"I hate you Y/n...! Oh yeah I bought you your favorite chocolate!" Micheal said smiling.

UGH Everything coming out his mouth sound like I heard it from somewhere.

"Yeah! I love chocolate! You should just call me chocolate." I giggled.

"Ok, chocolate!" He winked.

Chara(next day)

I'm meeting someone name Y/n today... It reminds me of chocolate she had the same name, gah no! I went back to writing my song. Maybe I should write it about happiness?

Gosh what do I know about happiness?!

"Sir Chara, Miss Y/n is here!" My manager said.

I laughed for real this time.

"Why are you calling me sir? It should be the other way around." I laughed once again.

"Ah but should I bring Ms. Y/n in here?" He asked.

"Ahh! Yes bring her in!" I rolled my eyes.

I don't want to see another woman with the name Y/n...

He nodded his head and walked off. I went back to writing and thinking and she came in but I didn't notice.

"Hello Chara! Ooo I want to call you Char can I?" A familiar voice said.

I was shocked I looked to see Chocolate?! I ran to her and squeezed her.

"Oh my gosh! Y/n! Chocolate! I missed you so much!!" I said crying tears of joy.

"Huh? This is your first time meeting me silly!" She giggled.

I pulled back stunned.

"So you really don't remember me?" I asked.

She shook her head no.

"Then what about Frisk?!" I said.

She shook her head once again.

"I'm sorry I need to call someone important." I said.

I ran out the room and slammed the door. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Frisk.

"Hello..." Frisk said sleepily.

"Frisk! Y/n is Alive and in my house!" I said.

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