Chapter 4: Dancing with the Dead

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"What am I doing here," I asked Eros, feeling my temperature rise in anger. "Where is Gabe?"

"So worried about that sad little guardian," Eros replied. "But don't worry, he'll be fine. He's a quick study, and he'll probably come here looking for you soon. My damn mother had to give him free reign over the universe to assist you, her newest worker."

"Well, why am I here? And please for the love of god, tell me you have pants on under those sheets."

"Do you want to find out?" He asked, his eyes glimmering with lust. Oh dear lord, didn't he know I was sixteen? Humans got arrested for this kind of crap.

"No," I said. "Why-am-I-here." I said, grinding out the words bitterly.

"I wanted to see how your assignment went, of course," Eros said. "I always was hoping to seduce you, but I have patience. I can wait for you to get over your crush on your little friend."

"I don't have a crush," I said, pouting like a little girl. Really, I definitely had a crush on Gabe. "But, really, that assignment was crap. How could infidelity be destined?"

"He'll be exposed, and his indiscretions will elect the next president, the other candidate. And then the right man will be in charge at the right time, and it gets very messy. All you need to know is that depraved, wicked night of hot sex with a married politician is a part of the bigger picture. It is the first domino in a line for fall, until the puzzle makes sense."

"So I just watch a married man ruin his life," I said.

"You don't have to watch, unless you're into that sort of thing," Eros smirked.

"You're disgusting," I spat out.

"And you're refreshing," Eros said. "It's been so long since I've met a real, bonafide virgin. Girls don't wait for gods or husbands these days." 

It bothered me how hard he was trying to be this creepy, over sexual jerk. Somehow, I thought maybe he was trying too hard. Whatever, if this was what he wanted the world to see, then the real Eros was probably even more messed up.

"Well, I'm happy as a virgin," I said. "And my first boyfriend won't be some creepy God who acts like a man-child and equates love to poison."

His eyes flashed with anger, and then a calm settled down over his face. Was he offended or jsut anooyed, i couldn't tell. When he smiled, it was as if Eros knew he would have more opportunities to manipulate me. Why he had to be so creepy with me didn't make sense. He was a god, and if he wasn't so perverse, I might find him attractive. He could easily find a woman, or a ward, as he put it. Objectively speaking, he was attractive. It was the lack of respect I'd been subjected to crawling all over my skin and bothering me that made want to gouge out his perfect bluw eyes.

"We'll see," Eros said, a grin tracing his lips. "This isn't over, but go and have fun in Paris."

He snapped his fingers and I was back on the bridge in Paris, and Gabe hadn't even returned yet. I sighed, feeling frustrated. Gabe hurried back, treats in hand.

"What's wrong," Gabe asked me. "You look angry."

"Eros," I said. "I was just there. He is such an ass, and apparently, he wants to deflower me."

"Well, I won't let that happen," Gabe said.

"He seemed pretty confident," I said. "I don't know if I can handle all of this."

"You can," Gabe said. "You're strong. And besides, I'll be here for you, every step of the way."


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