H&H CHAPTER 8: Gifts and sensitives

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When I got back to the underworld, Zed was waiting for me. I sighed, feeling a paranoia settle in. What could it be now?

“Hades wanted to apologize for all of the drama of this morning,” Zed said. “So he is sending you a gift.”

“A gift?” I said. “What kind of a gift?”

“He’s allowing Gabe to visit you, again. This is highly unusual Macy. It appears that Hades likes you.”

“I tend to have that effect on people sometimes, apparently.”

“Hades would like to caution you, however. Gabriel must believe that you and Hades were intimate, as per Hades’ wishes.”

“Ok,” I said. “I guess I have some explaining to do in that case.”

“If Gabe is smart at all, he’ll be grateful. What you were willing to do for him is spectacular.”

            “Thanks Zed,” I said. “For everything you’ve done for me. You’re a pure soul.”

“Macy, you’ve been down here too long if you believe that, but thanks.” 

I waited, feeling my body shake. I was going to see Gabe, again. I had so much to feel guilty for, so much to apologize for. But if I could give him hope, and that was priceless. I heard the sound of shackles hitting the ground, and my heart kicked up. They brought him in, and Gabe stumbled forward. The same guards as before unshackled him, and letting him be free. Gabe’s body looked less abused than before, with minimal bruises and blood. I swallowed, wanting to hold him right then. But the moment he looked at me, Gabe’s eyes flashed with anger.

“Gabe,” I whispered. “I am sorry, but I had to do it. I know you’re angry, but I got you down to a year. From a thousand years to just one year.”

“Wasn’t the original deal for a decade, Macy? Tell, was the sex just that good that Hades felt so generous?”

“Excuse me? Do you have any idea what I sacrificed for you, after what you did to me? Gabe, honestly, can you get over your jealousy for a minute and say thank you.”

            “No,” Gabe said. “I could get over my jealousy over you and Hades. I could get over the way the guards constantly remind me that you leave every night to go see Eros. But Macy, you’re changing. You manipulated the God of the underworld to get what you want. You literally used sex to get your way. Do you know who does that kind of thing Macy? Helena, not you.”

Tears hit my face, and I could barely breathe. My deepest fear was being articulated by the one person whose opinion mattered the most.

“Hate me if you want,” I said, my voice cracking. “I know we will probably never be, whatever we could have been. But I did everything out of love, Gabe. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to save you. I’m sorry if that bothers you, but you’re a hypocrite if you think that.”

“Macy, I didn’t mean that…”

“You did,” I said. “Do you have any idea what it’s like for me, Gabe? I am so confused. This is not normal. In addition to not knowing if we can ever forgive each other for the crap we’ve done for each other, I don’t know what we’ll be like at the end of this. I have a hundred souls left, and you have a year. There is too much darkness, in both of us. I am sorry if you hate me for what I did, but I hate myself too.”

I broke down completely, collapsing onto my rock bed. 

            Gabe slowly, since his body was still broken, approached me. He pulled me into his arms and we were just still, together for a moment.

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