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I had an extremely tiring day, but I still wanted to post this :) There isn't much of action in this one but stay with me because the next chapter will be more exciting. Take this picture of G. as an apology ;)


Tina Richards was sitting close to her older brother Clive, showing him pictures from her latest field trip with her equally annoying friends. Nellie was setting up the table with Renate, watching the siblings interact playfully - Clive acting as his life was on point. Maybe it was, Nellie thought. He had his girlfriends in Portland - and he didn't hide it. He still acted like he was single while Nellie was the prisoner of their marriage.

"That fork goes to the left," Renate said in a low voice, interrupting Nellie's train of thoughts. "I thought you know that." Her mother-in-law added, putting the cutlery in the right order.

Nellie looked at Clive who was now laughing at something that Tina had said and seeing his two-faced behaviour, sleeping with a stranger felt like a small victory. The very same stranger invaded Nellie's brain more than she wanted to. Whenever she found herself alone with her thoughts, they would race back to the night, trashy motel and the way he kissed her.

As soon as they all sat around the table Renate told everyone about Nellie's lack of knowledge on cutlery positioning and they started to eat. Tina was still blabbering about something that Nellie didn't want to listen but pretended she was happy for her getting a new car for her seventeenth birthday and for the new shoes she bought.

The talk drowned on Nellie and she ended up pushing the food around the plate, pretending to enjoy the lamb that was served and answering questions whenever she was asked something. She was unwanted at the table, her presence undesirable and her tries to participate in the talk dismissed.

That night when she lay in the bed next to Clive and he turned his back to her, she closed her eyes and imagined stranger's arms holding her.


Nellie wanted this party to be over. Seated next to the Clive and across from his brother Robert, she listened to their chat about some piece of land their parents owned in Canada. Robert was four years older than Clive and was yet another stuck up member of the Richards family. His wife Mimi was nice, but distant with everyone - including their little girl Katherine.

Nellie was tired, her back hurt and she felt dizzy because she had no time to eat the entire day.

Holding tightly on the glass of apple juice, she faked a smile when Renate approached to tell her that her family will be arriving shortly and that she should smile more. Nellie feared meeting her parents after quite some time. They stopped being family the moment they pushed her into marriage with Clive.

She excused herself, walking away to the kitchen and the first thing she did was open a cupboard, pulling a whiskey bottle from it and pouring some into her glass. The whiskey mixed with the apple juice, barely changing a colour of the beverage and she took a big gulp. It was just an effort to calm down but she feared that it won't work.

"Anelliese," Mimi called out from the open patio doors. She faced the slim woman, her black bob framing her sharp face features. "Your parents are here."

Nellie nodded, taking another big gulp of her drink. "Okay, I am coming." She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and walked out.

Her mother didn't change at all except for new glass frames and her father had more grey hairs from the last time she had seen them, two years ago. Whenever she visited her Clive's parents, she avoided visiting her own family because she wasn't sure if she could handle them. Cautiously, she approached the couple and forced a smile.

"Mom, dad," she said as she hugged them limply.

"Anelliese, how have you been?" Her father asked, as she stood in front of them. His daughter changed and not in a good way. Her face looked drained out and her eyes lost the spark they used to have when she was just his little girl.

"Good dad," Nellie replied, nodding once.

"How is Clive?" Her mother asked curtly. Nellie imagined Mimi turning into woman like her mother, once she hits her fifties.

"He is good." Nellie replied and her mother nodded once before completely ignoring her and walking away to chat with Renate. Nellie sighed, looked once sadly at her father and excused herself. She walked in the direction of the drinks table, gulping the rest of her cocktail in one swig, her body asking for more.


George crossed his legs in front of him, once again trying to find the perfect position for his tall frame. His arms were folded on his stomach as he listened to Matty talking on and on about their upcoming album. The guy could talk about everything and anything without losing a breath. George would just smile politely and laugh occasionally if Matty said some ridiculous thing which, in most cases, interviewer did not understand.

Drowning in the buzz of conversation, George pulled out his zippo lighter and started to open and close the lid, his eyes focusing on the engraved initials of his name on the case. He was doing the same when he noticed Nellie in that bar for the first time. She was just another face in the crowd, but there was something about her that seemed different.

Plus, her hips were to die for.

George wasn't sure why he was so hung up on a one night stand and a girl that he wasn't going to see ever again. He had girls throwing themselves at him, not as Matty for sure, but still he could have any girl he wanted. And yet, there he was, sitting on the most uncomfortable sofa and thinking about a stranger.

She had freckles, too.

"Thanks for your time, guys..." George's train of thoughts was interrupted when a guy who was interviewing them reached out his hand for him to shake. "It's been a pleasure, George."

"Likewise, mate," he replied, putting the Zippo back to his pocket and standing up, finally being able to fully stretch his body. He followed Matty out of the studio as they both walked to the car that was supposed to take them to the venue for the tonight's sold out show.

"What's up?" Matty asked, taking a drag of his cigarette as George stuck his hands in pockets of his leather jacket. "You looked very distracted through the entire interview."

"Just tired," he muttered, messing his hair a bit. That wasn't a lie - technically.

"If you say so," Matty replied as they reached the car. He eyed his best mate for a second before sliding in the backseat.

George followed, putting a pair of sunglasses and covering his tired eyes. Matty was a curious one and George was sure that this won't be the first time that he had asked him if he was okay. But at the same time, George wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Matty why he was quiet and what invaded his thoughts. He was sure in one thing though - mentioning the stranger wouldn't make any difference.

It will only make him think of her more.

D E S I D E R A T A [ g.d ] ON HOLDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن