I am so excited to upload this chapter! I wrote the outline for this one waaay before I even thought about publishing this story of mine and I really really hope you will like it...

I hope this picture of George will make you leave many comments and votes ;)


"Thanks," Nellie whispered to a man much taller and stronger than her when he reached out to help her with her suitcase that threatened to make another circle on the luggage claim. The stranger just nodded with a small smile and trudged away, pulling his own suitcase towards the exit doors.

She picked up her small leather suitcase that Marcia lend her and sighed nervously. She was finally in London, where she wanted to go back ever since she was sixteen, yet she felt so scared to leave the airport. Slowly but with a fake confidence she followed the people out and as soon as entered the main area of the airport, she found herself in the chaos of all kinds of characters. Some cried, some laughed, some hugged and kissed, some slept in the corners waiting for their flight and some – just like Nellie – wanted to get out.

Not feeling well out of sudden, she walked to the group of chairs lined on the right side, next to the huge windows. She sat down, putting her small suitcase between her legs and with a shaky hand she opened her small bag she used as carry on and pulled out an out-dated but working Samsung phone. She was never a smartphone girl because she couldn't understand why people needed to know everything everywhere.

After quickly texting Marcia that she arrived, she returned the phone back in her bag and looked at the girl who sat next her, listening to music with one of those expensive looking headphones on her head. There was a magazine on her lap, folded in a half and just resting there and Nellie fought the urge to blush noticing his band's name written in the corner of the front page.

Before she realised what she was doing, she tapped the girl on the shoulder. "Hey, may I borrow your magazine for a moment?" she asked when the girl pulled her headphones down and gave her a small smile.

"Um," the girl looked at her for a few seconds and Nellie knew that she was probably starring at her bruised face, "I need to get going soon," she muttered, looking at her watch, "but you know what, you can keep them if you'd like. I read it already."

"If you don't mind, that's so nice of you," Nellie replied as the girl passed the magazine. "Thanks." The girl just nodded and put her headphones back on her head. Nellie hated when people pitied her but at the moment she didn't care, she just wanted to find the page she wanted to see.

Nellie leafed through the first pages, catching mostly the titles of the articles before getting to the one she wanted to read. On the page sixteen there was a small picture of him and his band – the similar picture to what Tina had in her room – and a small text beneath.

The four piece band originally from Manchester but with recent address in London delivered another sold out show on their first show of a new European tour. Healy, frontman of the band greeted their fans in his own eccentric manner after playing 'Chocolate' – probably their most famous song up to this date...

Nellie smiled a bit to herself, glancing at George's picture again and closed the magazine after staring at it for a bit. She didn't even notice that the girl who gave her the magazine already left or that the elderly couple was now sitting next to her. Something in her snapped and she opened the very same page again, feeling her pulse quickening as she ran over the first sentence again, "...with recent address in London," she whispered.


Everything was beautiful, everything was different from Portland – people, accents, morning rush, nature, cars, even the sky was different. She walked down the pavement of some street in Brixton, trying to memorise buildings so she could get back to the apartment later as she looked around her in awe. Her hands were stuck in the pockets of an oversized denim jacket and she only pulled it tighter when the breeze hit hard and she felt shiver underneath her clothes.

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