To quote Mae, "the queen of the updates" is back! 

No seriously, I've been paying too much attention to Wonderwall that I almost forgot on Desiderata. I still cannot believe that this story hit already over 800 reads - that's mental! Thanks for all your support! You are the best, seriously!

Enjoy the chapter, comment and vote. 


"You okay?"

Nellie blinked few times, her mouth curving into an uneasy smile. "Yeah."

She had been sitting in George's living room, in the house that he shared with his best friend who seemed to have a problem with her. But, relationship with George's 'mate' was the last thing that was on her mind.

Ever since Marcia texted her that Clive dodged the restrain order and that he might know where she was, she was restless.

She couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and two days without a George seemed like eternity. She didn't leave the apartment where she stayed at and she had been staring at the phone for the majority of the time – waiting for Marcia to text her if she had some new information on Clive.

That's until George came back and she finally felt safe again.

"Come on, talk to me," George whispered, taking her hand and pulling her into his side, her head falling on his chest. His fingers started to comb out her hair and she relaxed. "Why are you scared? Even if he comes to London, what are the chances that he will know you are with me?"

Nellie sighed, burying her nose in his chest, his scent calming her. "I know I shouldn't be scared," she muffled in his shirt before lifting her head slightly to look at him. "I just cannot help it."

"You keep forgetting that you have a giant to rescue you if that bastard tries something." He grinned and Nellie chuckled on his silliness. "Look." George lifted his tattooed arm and flexed his muscles with a cheeky grin.

"You're crazy," she whispered.

"And you are beautiful," George replied with a small wink.

George insisted that she brings her stuff and just live with him for the rest of her stay in London. He was worried about her well-being and safety but also he was selfish and wanted her to be in his arms every night.

George watched Nellie's eyes flutter close and he placed a kiss on top of her head, gently running his hand up and down her shoulders. She was so fragile, so sad and so broken and he was determined to bring those pieces back together – no matter what anyone thought about their relationship.

The sound of doors opening made George look up in the direction of the rooms and he saw Matty walking out, dressed as if he was leaving.

"Need something from Tesco?" he asked.

"I'm good," George replied, his fingers still in Nellie's hair.

Ever since their small quarrel, back in Nottingham, the two best friends has strained relationship. They communicated but it was colder than usual – more formal and less friendly. George tried to understand Matty but Matty didn't seem to understand George and he just couldn't let go.

Argument they had in Nottingham was so far the worst one they had and never had they spent their ride back to London in silence. Their manager wasn't happy either, claiming that it was their worst performance ever and they had to chill out and talk through whatever had happened between them. Even Ross and Adam tried to help but it didn't work out.

George couldn't and didn't want to make the first move in apologising – if anything Matty was the one who acted like an arsehole in the first place.

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