Desiderata continues so here is the new chapter. And yeah, it might sound conceited but I think it's very cute one ;)

The gif of Noodle Boy is up for you because I might post a new story soon and I am letting you guess who is it about ;)

Read and comment, vote or just enjoy the story!


George's finger traced the outline of Nellie's body. Starting at her thigh his finger trailed up the curve of her hip and the dip of her waist before going back and repeating it. Her body was curved to his, like a perfect little spoon as he rested his nose in the back of her neck, just where it was meeting with her back.

"George," she whispered, "are you sleeping?"

He hummed in her skin as a response and he felt her shiver under his touch. "I am awake," he replied anyway.

Nellie turned around, shifting her body so that she was facing him and gave him a small smile. "I wasn't sleeping either."

Everything felt surreal to Nellie. Just few days she was in Portland, sobbing her pain away and now she was close to the man that seemed to be just a beautiful memory she would hold for the rest of her life. He was so beautiful, his smile content and his touch on her skin made her entire body feel like on flames. She never felt such excitement before in her life.

Just few days ago she was afraid for her safety and safety of her friends, curled on Marcia's sofa, crying. Now, she was in a small bed, the musky scent she remembered tickling her nose and she couldn't help but smile.

"You know, I just realised I know nothing about you," George started with a wicked grin, "except that you have a cute set of moles just under your right breast." Nellie gasped, her ears going red and spreading to her cheeks. George laughed as he turned on his back while Nellie buried her head in his arm.

"How do you even..." she mumbled. "Wait," she lifted her head and looked at his profile before continuing, "I thought you were drunk that night?" They had quite few drinks and Nellie was definitely tipsy.

George chuckled. "Well yes, but I would never allow myself sleeping with someone when wasted. You never know what might happen. And my job doesn't allow me too many scandals or mistakes." Nellie sighed and copied George, lying on her back with their arms brushing. After some silence, George sat up and looked down at Nellie. Her eyes were closed but she had a smile on her face.

"Was I a mistake?" Nellie asked, closing her eyes.

"Would I be here if you were one?" he asked but it was more like an answer so Nellie didn't reply. She just stayed in the same position, but her eyes were open now, staring at the dirty white ceiling. Getting hold of butterflies in her stomach was a hard task and honestly, she didn't want to stop the feeling.

"I need a fag," George broke the silence between them and Nellie opened her eyes.

"A Fag?" she was confused but George only chuckled at her lack of knowledge on British slang.

"A cigarette, Nellie. Do you want to join me?" George shuffled from the bed and dressed his sneakers, patting his jacket pocket for cigarettes and his zippo.

"I don't smoke," Nellie replied with a small smile.

"I know, I remember." Nellie's face heat up again. She still couldn't believe that he remembered the things she talked about. Clive never did that... She frowned at her own thoughts. She didn't want to think about Clive, about what happened and she certainly didn't want to compare George to Clive. "What's wrong?" Nellie shook her head, pulling her hair in ponytail and grabbed the denim jacket from the floor. "Hey!" George called as he looked at her in a way familiar jacket. "I know that jacket!"

Nellie smiled at him and accepted George's hand. He laced their fingers together and opened the balcony doors. "I was cold that morning. I hope you don't mind." she mumbled, shyly looking down at their hands.

"I don't," George replied, letting go of her hand just to light up his cigarette. "I was just wondering where it went." He took a long drag, "Looks good on you." They both leaned on the railing and observed the silent street. It was way too late but Nellie didn't care, she didn't feel tired, she didn't want to be asleep when George was next to her. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" Nellie asked looking at him, wrapping the jacket closer to her body.

George stopped smoking, letting the cigarette hang from the corner of his mouth as he turned Nellie around so that she was facing him. "You keep your hair tied. Don't do it," he muffled as he pulled down the hairband and stuck it in the pocket of his jeans.

"I am just used to it," Nellie responded with a smile, "Clive doesn't like when my hair is down..." she abruptly stopped seeing frown on George's face. "Sorry," she whispered.

"Is that his name?" George asked, leaning on the fence. Anger was rising once again and he couldn't bring himself to look at Nellie's bruised face. He couldn't think of a reason that makes a man hit a woman – something so fragile, delicate and beautiful; something so precious. "I don't know why you let him do that?"

"Long story," Nellie sighed and watched George flick the cigarette butt over the fence.

"I have time," grabbed both of Nellie's hands and pulled her in a tight embrace. "But inside, it's a bit cold."


George's hand blindly patted the nightstand, looking for his wristwatch. Nellie was still sleeping next to him, her body relaxed and their legs tangled. It was somewhat after 7 a.m. and how much he hated to do it, he had to leave. He had to be on time for a rehearsal and get his stuff ready for their trip to Nottingham where they had to play a show tomorrow night.

When he walked into that bar with Matty last night he thought he is going to spend another night getting drunk and ending up with some easy girl. But instead of having tones of drinks and a hangover the next morning, he woke up with her in his embrace – the girl that he never thought he'd see again. This time she didn't run away from him and she wasn't an ocean away but she was there, in his arms the entire night. And the thing that scared him the most was the fact that he wanted her to stay.

George wiggled out, removing Nellie's arm slowly and got up. He ran a hand through his hair and clasped his watch on his wrist while observing Nellie, sleeping soundly curled in a ball. He couldn't explain why he was so drawn to her but he quite enjoyed the feeling he had when he was around her.

He threw a blanket over her exposed legs and she lightly stirred in her sleep so he carefully walked to the small kitchen and grabbed a napkin and a pen from his jacket. He scribbled a message for Nellie, placed it on the nightstand and then silently as possible walked out of the apartment, already too excited for the afternoon with her.

He met Ross outside the cafe near his and Matty's place. It was a very chilly morning and Ross face was flush red from the wind. Ross reached out the coffee holder for George as he took a sip of his own coffee and let out a breath. It was unusually cold morning but there was nothing that could ruin George's day.

"There he is," Matty called from the rehearsal room, "my favourite escapee." Adam just looked confused between George and Matty while Ross shrugged off his coat and grabbed his bass. "What was the rush? I had to go with the girls back home..."

"Like you minded," Ross snorted and Matty flipped him off jokingly.

"Anyway," he called louder, to get attention, "what was the rush?" Matty asked.

"Uh," George started, pushing the hair behind his ears as he sat down behind his drum kit. "John called," he added nervously. "John called and asked me if I can pick him up."

"Ah," Matty smirked and looked at the door where John was walking in, back from the toilet. "John," Matty strummed his guitar once, "you haven't told us that you were with G last night."

"I didn't—," John started but his eyes met with George's face. George was wiggling his brows up and down like a mad guy mouthing something that John couldn't quite understand. Nervously, he placed some hair behind the ear. "I mean, I did," he laughed a bit; "I called him last night." John looked at George asking for approval and George nodded.

Matty just smiled to himself, wondering why they thought that he was so stupid. George was hiding something and something told him that he will find out what it was, soon. 

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