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This chapter is fully in G's point of view! Hope you enjoy it as much as you should enjoy this gif of George!



With his legs propped up on his saxophone case, John sat on the floor while peeling an orange. It was one of those really fruity ones, causing the juice to trickle all over his hands, making him mutter a curse. Ross was sitting on a fold out chair, browsing something on his laptop. The rest of the guys where nowhere to be seen although they had to go over some new songs they've written while on tour bus.

It was the first morning after their USA tour, just a week after their Seattle concert that was probably the highlight of the season.

"Want some?" John asked.

Ross looked up from his laptop, shaking his head, looking at almost squashed orange that John was offering him and scrunched his nose in disgust. There was more juice on John's jeans than in the orange.

While John was finishing the orange, the doors of the studio room opened and George walked in, carrying a paper tray with five cups of steaming beverages. He hasn't been sleeping well for the past few days, or to be precise – ever since he saw Nellie again. His head was a mess and his stomach made backflips whenever he thought of her. Yet, he was still the same goofball around his mates making sure that they didn't question if he was okay.

Without a word but with a wide grin, he placed the tray on the table, sliding next to John on the ground, comfortably crossing his legs. His head rolled on the side, resting on John's shoulder and the long haired guy tried to swat him off. George didn't bug, moreover he reached out, taking John's hands in his while suppressing his laughter. But that seemed to be a mistake because John's hands were sticky.

"What the hell?" George cried out, "Your hands are sticky!"

Ross let out a snort, looking up from his laptop, "He just squashed an orange." Ross grinned a little as John went to protest when George's phone buzzed in the pocket of his Letterman jacket.

"Matty and Adam are going to be late," he sighed out, "apparently they are still waiting for their interview to start." Two of the band mates were giving out an interview for some magazine, reminiscing their American tour.

Ross closed his laptop and placed it on the ground next to him, standing up and stretching a bit. He grabbed his suede jacket and shrugged it on. "I am going to get some breakfast then. Just text me when Matty and Hann are here." He walked to the door and turned his head to the two guys sitting on the floor. "Want something?" George and John muttered no's on which Ross shrugged and left the room, gently closing the doors.

George got up, walking to the window on the other side of the room that overlooked the streets of London. He noticed Ross walking across the street to the small breakfast bar, few girls stopping him for a chat and a picture. London was eerie quiet in this part of the day when most people were closed in their offices and waiting for their lunch break.

"You okay?" John asked, still seated on the floor and George turned around, leaning on the window sill while he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Did Matty tell you to ask me that?" George raised an eyebrow at John.

"Absolutely not," John replied with a chuckle, putting a lock of his hair behind his ear and then wincing at his actions. Now his hair is going to smell like oranges. "I am just observing." He added.

George was contemplating if he should tell John about what happened few weeks ago. He was scared that if he tells anyone about the one night stand and how he couldn't stop thinking about the stranger, the guys would make joke out of it. Because one night stands were just what their name was – a short-term desire, something that would last for a night and then be forgotten the next morning. But George couldn't forget her because she kept visiting his mind far too often.

John was still looking at him, worried expression on his face. "Look," he started, "if you want to tell me what's wrong, you can. I am not going to tell Matty or anyone else if that's what you are worried about." George turned around, looking at the street once again.

George internally groaned, already feeling bad for speaking about it. "It's just—" he didn't turn around as he observed the woman who was trying desperately to park her car on the curb, "—I met a girl," he mumbled already regretting saying it out loud.

John didn't interrupt his friend while he was telling him about the stranger he met in Portland while on their American tour. He didn't ask for the details either and it seemed as George wanted to skip those anyway but he noticed that George was really troubled by the whole situation. John sensed devotion, fear, pain and above all he sensed confusion in George's voice while he spoke about a girl who was supposed to be just a one night fling.

"...that's when I saw her again." George walked over to the small sofa and sat down, putting his head in his hands. "And I wanted to go back to talk to her. Fuck me, I didn't even know what to say but she was so close and I just..." he sighed out, looking at John. "Am I going mad?" he asked, making John chuckle.

"No, mate." John got up, "I just think that she messed you up more than you want to admit, but in a good way." He walked to the small toilet, in the hallway and went to wash his hands not bothering to close the doors. "Remember when Matty went crazy over that girl that wasn't his type?" he called out, "and then he regretted being such a pussy when she started dating that twat from Universal Records?" his voice went back to normal volume as he walked back into the small room. George was still confusedly looking at John. "All I am trying to say is that you shouldn't be a fanny and do something about it."

"I don't know what or how. For crying out loud she lives in USA." George moved a bit for John to sit next to him. They were silent for a bit, just looking in front of them. "I know only her name and that she lives in Portland, or not because I've seen her in Seattle too." George muttered after few minutes of silence.

His friend nodded, once again brushing his hair away from his face and grabbed the Ross' laptop from the floor. Skilfully he typed in Ross' password and when George looked at him with raised eyebrow, John chuckled. "We have some bromance going on, remember?" He loaded the internet page and placed the laptop on George's knees. "Google her."

George was sure that the chances of finding her through Google are zero but he did it anyway.

Half an hour ago they were interrupted by the rest of the band mates walking in and as much as George hated hiding stuff from his best friends, he knew that he had to deal with this situation alone and just forget her. He quickly deleted the history on Ross's computer after unsuccessful search and mentally decided that he shouldn't do it again.


"Not going out?" Matty asked later that night, dressing his leather jacket over his button down.

George grinned, taking a drag of his cigarette and sitting down on the sofa in their living room. "Nah, I think I will stay in tonight. I need to catch up on Breaking Bad." He was sitting in only pair of shorts, not bothering with a shirt.

"As you wish, grandpa. If you change your mind, you know where we are." Matty replied, lighting a cigarette and walking out of their shared flat. George flipped him off and turned on TV, stubbing a cigarette in the ashtray.

An hour later, he was rolling a spliff on a table and watching occasionally at the screen where Walter White was having an argument with Jesse Pinkman. George was about to light it but then he stopped. A crazy thought crossed his mind and he hit his forehead with his hand.

"George Bedford Daniel you are stupid," he groaned to himself, leaving the unfinished spliff on the table and ran to his room to get his laptop, tripping over something and almost falling over.

Sitting back on the sofa, he opened the Facebook page and logged in their band page, something that only their manager did. George drummed on the laptop while he waited for the photos posted from others to load and then when it finally did he started scrolling through them, looking for distinctive sign – a minor thing that he was sure will help him.

"Bingo," he whispered seeing the picture of Ross and Adam with two girls taken in the backstreet of the venue on the night of Seattle gig. One of the girls was wearing the red jacket and George was sure that it was the same girl who was with Nellie that night. "Tina Marie Richards," he said out loud as he hovered over the tagged picture.

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