He's perfect, no? 

Thanks for all the support I am getting and please check out my new story called 'Wonderwall'. 

Enjoy this chapter and tell me what you think, I love hearing from you. 


With her hair flapping in the cold wind, Nellie laughed at the corny joke that George just told her and he just grinned, fascinated with her happiness. She looked carefree, happy, and curious about everything around her but above all, she looked beautiful. Her nose was red from the cold wind, her cheeks flushed slightly as well and her lips the deepest shade of rose. George just stuck his hands in the pockets of his coat and rocked forth and back on his heels, grinning at her. 

"That was so bad," Nellie breathed out in between the laughs. "But come on, I am ready for more," she chuckled as they kept walking down the crowded passage. People were getting home from work and the street buzzed with all kinds of characters.

George smirked down at her, his eyes glancing at her lips from behind his shades and he pursed his lips in thought. "Okay, here is one more," he grinned. "What do you call a pig that knows karate?"

Nellie looked up at him and shrugged her shoulders, already giggling. "What?"

"A PORK CHOP!" George replied and started laughing himself at the stupid joke he just told. Nellie started laughing hard too, shaking her head, and covering her mouth with a hand because snorts threatened to come out. Still grinning, George threw his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to his torso. "Fancy a coffee?" he asked as they walked; his arm still around her shoulder as he pointed at a small café with his free hand.

"Sure," Nellie murmured inhaling his scent.

The café was rather small but it was cosy and Nellie felt comfortable inside. The walls were dark colour and the windows tiny and slightly steamy due to contrasting temperature outside and inside. The walls were lined with artistic photographs and shelves stacked with random books. Some soft instrumental music was playing from the speakers and three candles were burning at the centre of each table. "Do you want something with it?" George asked, sliding next to her and taking seat, putting cups in front of them. "They have some wicked looking cakes, too."

"No, I am good, thanks," she murmured back as George placed his hand on her jeans clad leg and squeezed her thigh gently.

They spent the afternoon together and it was absolutely the best day of her life. When she woke up and realised she was alone in the bed, she felt immediately cold and sad, but when she found a small note, messily scribbled on a napkin, she couldn't peel off the smile off of her face.. She had been waiting patiently for him, sitting on the bed, nervously tying, and untying her hair, finally deciding that old habits needed to be broken. But when he knocked on her doors and she opened, George wrapped his arms around her and kissed top of her head, her nervousness disappeared.

George took her first to Regent's Park where they just walked around, talking and actually getting to know each other – George holding her hand firmly but gently as if he was afraid she will run away. After that, they took the tube and just spent time exploring Inner London, wandering around; George telling her all the tiny stories about London and history facts that she picked up from Ross' rants a while ago. Their last stop was Brick Lane market where they explored the streets and finally settled on the small café on the street.

George sighed after taking a sip of the coffee, "Have to tell you something," he started and Nellie looked at him curiously, "I am playing a show in Nottingham tomorrow. I won't be around for two days."

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