SkyLox (my OTC)

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(A/N Deadlox-Ty
"I think its time for another jump map!" Ty said. He got out his phone and texted everyone in Team Crafted. The text said 'Everyone head over to the epic jump map lobby!'.
Everyone send back a confirmation text, and they all headed out.
-time skip, they are all at the jump map lobby-
"Hey Ty you want to do this one?" Adam said. Ty blushed a bit. "Sure, let's go!"
-'nother time skip, they are all on the jump map now-
"Adam stop pushing me!" Ty screamed as Adam pushed him off the map again. "I'm sorry Ty, didn't see ya there!" Adam replied, laughing his face off. "Hey Adam" Jerome said. "What is it Fluf- ahhhhhh!" Adam screamed as Jerome pushed him off the map. Jerome called down to him "Its nothing personal dood, I just though you might want to be with your soul mate!" Everyone started cracking up. "Its now a thing! Skylox!" Mitch cried. They all continued to tease Ty and Adam throughout the whole map.
-time skip to the end of the map-
"Geez guys, lay off a bit." Adam muttered. Ty just kept blushing.
Everyone began walking home. The other never stopped the teasing all the way to their different homes.
-'nother time skip, Ty is now sitting in his house, everyone is at their home-
Ty kept wondering, 'Could it be a thing? Would Adam allow it?' Ty decided the only way he would ever be free from torment is if he manned up and asked Adam. "Tomorrow I will invite him on a jump map, and we will talk there." Ty muttered out loud.
Ty send a text to Adam, asking if he wanted to go on a jump map tomorrow. He sighed, knowing he now had to wait for a response.
-now at Adam's house-
'Could it be true?' Adam though 'Could Ty love me? I'm such a mess, how could anyone lov-' Adam's phone buzzed, signifying a text.

Ty- Hey do you want to go on another jump map tomorrow?

Adam- Sure! What time? Also who all is coming?

Ty- Meet me at the epic jump map lobby at 10am.

Adam- Ok. Who else is coming?

Ty has left the conversation

"Well then. Maybe he is planning a surprise for me." Adam muttered. "I had better get some sleep, if Ty expects me to be there by 10am. Adam went upstairs and laid down in his budder bed, and pulled his budder sheets up to his neck. 'I hope Ty gets some sleep as well' was Adam's last though before he fell asleep.

-time skip to morning-
Ty woke up at 6am, determined to make everything perfect for Adam. He decided he would make a few budder apples for the jump map, as a gift to Adam. He finished preparing and looked at the clock. "Aw man. It's only 7am!" Ty said. He sighed knowing he would be worrying all morning about today, and Adam was most likely still asleep.
-at Adam's house-
Adam woke up at 7am because he wanted everything to go over ok today. He prepared a gift of a few budder apples for Ty because that's what he would want. After preparation, it was 8am so Adam sat down on the couch. "I hope today goes over ok... I wonder if Ty is awake yet..."Adam muttered. Adam sent Ty a text.
-at Ty's house-
Ty's phone played "Now do the Budder Dance". He smiled knowing it was Adam texting him.

Adam- Hey Ty want to start the jump map now?

Ty- Sure! I will be at the lobby in about 10 minutes.

Adam- Ok. Hey by the way, who all is coming again? I forgot.

Ty has left the conversation.

"EEEEEEEEEE!" Ty screamed with joy. "Now I need to get to the lobby!" Ty rushed off, only pausing to grab the budder apples.

-time skip, Adam and Ty are at the jump map lobby-
"Adam I brought you something" Ty said, shuffling his feet a bit.
"Oh? Well I brought you something as well" Adam replied.
Ty blushed.
Adam and Ty held out their gifts at the same time.
They both took one look at each others gifts and burst out laughing.
"Well then. I guess we both think alike" Adam said with a wink.
Ty's blush deepened.
Ty cleared his throat, covering the moment. "Let's go shall we?" 

-'nother time skip, cause why not, they are now at the middle of the jump map, at a checkpoint-

"Lets take a break here." Ty said, looking over at Adam. "Sure why not?" Adam said with a grin.

Ty took a deep breath and looked at Adam. "Adam I need to ask you something, but I'm not sure how you will react..."

Adam smiled. "You know you can tell me anything right?"

Ty nodded and took another deep breath. "Ok so here it is. Ever since I met you, I have had a crush on you. Everyday it hurts me to know you most likely don't have the same feelings for me, but I have to know, do you even like me a little bit?"

Adam smirked at Ty. "I don't like you a little bit."

Ty was crushed. He turned away with tears in his eyes. He should have expected this.

Adam smiled and folded his arms around Ty. "I love you and I would do anything for you." Adam whispered in Ty's ear.

Ty jumped a little at the hug but turned around and hugged him back. "Do.. do you really mean that Adam?" Ty whispered with tears in his eyes.

Adam kissed Ty. "Does that answer your question?" Adam said with a smile.

Ty laughed and returned the kiss in full force. "Now that it is official, you want to tell the team?" Ty whispered.

Adam smiled. "Sure. After yesterday, lets see how big of a shock we can give them."

Ty smirked. "Wanna finish the jump map first? It is what we came here for right?"

"Sure why not?" Adam said.

-time skip, everyone is at Adam's house-

"Well Adam and I have some news for all of you. We are " Ty said with a smirk.

Adam smiled and finished the sentence "officially a couple now."

The rest of the team erupted.

"But we were just jokin-

"Is it tru-

"Skylox is cannon no-


Adam and Ty stood there, waiting for all the noise to die down. 

The team finally quieted down. 

Adam looked at Ty. "Well now that Skylox is cannon, who wants to celebrate?" Adam said with a smirk.

"Heck yes!" the whole team screamed.

And so they partied into the night.  

(A/N and so another Skylox story is born. None of this would have existed if a friend of mine on Wattpad had not started the fandom war between Skylox and SetoSolace. Go check out her one shot of SetoSolace. The war is decided by this. You, the readers, must go look at both of our one shots and decide who"s is better. Comment down below who you think did a better job!)



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