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A stabbing feeling in the female's neck woke her suddenly, her pale hand flying to the pain automatically. However, there was nothing there when she retracted her hand, and she frowned, unsure if she had dreamed the phantom pain.

Rolling over to look at the clock, Indigo groaned when she saw what time it was. The red 12:34pm glowed mockingly back at her, just proving that her insomnia had not been getting better, despite the medicine her doctor had prescribed her.

Her window was cracked open, and she was sure that she had shut it the night before. Reaching out a hand from under the blankets, she grabbed the lock and pulled the window shut, latching it back in place.

Letting out a sigh, she rolled back over and reached under the bed for her two stuffed animals. Even though she was an adult living on my own, Indigo always carried two of her stuffed animals with her to hug whenever she was upset, or couldn't sleep. It was the only thing she had, since she didn't have a significant other living with her.

One was a small black dog, ragged and worn with love. A small rainbow W decorated the bottom of one of his paws. The other was a slightly larger than life white cat, with a huge pink bow around its neck. It was a replica of a character from one of her favorite movies.

She held them close to her chest in a tight hug as she shut her eyes again. The soft fur of the cat and the familiarity of the dog was comforting, and the girl eventually drifted to sleep.



The alarm on the phone went off, eliciting a loud groan from the sleepy woman. Sitting up reluctantly, she hit the dismiss button and slowly swung her legs over the side of the bed.

She slid off the bed and stood up, the smooth wooden floor cool against her bare feet. Making her way to the bathroom, she began her morning routine of getting ready for another day at the agency. Today was a big day, after all.


Pulling up to the dull grey building, Indigo cut the engine and sat back in her seat, collecting her thoughts before she went in. Today she'd be going out on another field mission, but it would be the most dangerous one yet.

Stepping out of the car, she shut the door and gazed up at the tall office building in front of her. "Well... No use standing here staring, I suppose." she mumbled quietly, locking her car and walking briskly to the building door. The clicking sound of her heels on the pavement were muted, but she knew the floors inside the building would echo that sound along the halls.

Once inside, she headed to her office, the second largest one on the top floor. She was only a step below the boss of this place, she she had more privileges that the other agents here. That's what you get after loyally working for 12+ years at this agency. Her record spoke for itself, hundreds of successful missions over years.

The phone on her desk rang as she sat down, the green symbol that was blinking letting her know it was her boss calling. She picked up the phone, butterflies flitting in her stomach. She knew why her boss was calling, but she was still a little nervous. Putting the phone up to her ear, she spoke. "Yes?"

"Are you ready for your mission today? If you execute this mission as well as you have all your others, you'll be pushed up to corporal status. That means you'll be working upstairs, if you know what I mean."

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