Stories to be Sorted (Off old laptop)

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         BOOKS; AN ESSAY

     Have you ever been so interested in something you wish you were there? Well, with books, such a thing is possible. In this particular essay, I will be explaining the pros and cons of reading and writing books. So many people these days would rather be on their phone than picking up a good book, and I fear that someday books will no longer be needed.

Picture this: You're in the middle of a snowy field. Everything seems muffled, muted, near silent. Suddenly the wind picks up, and you realize if you don't move soon, you'll be buried alive in the freshly fallen snow. You struggle to take a step forward, then another, then another. Only the thought of finally reuniting with your loved one keeps you going at this point. The snow starts to swirl around your thighs, then your waist. You can hardly move anymore, forced to slog through the chest high snow. It takes so much effort to move a single finger now, and you're exhausted. A new thought enters your mind, one of surrender. Why not give up?

Now, resurface. Come back to my essay, to hear my words. Was that intense? Did you feel like that was, or could, happen to you? That's the magic of a book! Within the pages of a single book, a whole new world awaits. You could fly on dragons, swim with mermaids, sprout wings and soar through blue skies. And, unlike imagination, the world is practically given to you.

When you fully immerse yourself in a book, you're setting your mind to explore this fantasy world. We've all wanted to escape life at some point or another, maybe when we were young, maybe when we're facing struggles in our lives later on. But so many people can't, or don't know how. A phone is a poor substitute for the imaginary paper and ink worlds brought to life by another's words and expressions and dialogue and plot lines.

That's not to say books online are less than books you can hold the physical copy of, but I have found that an online story will draw you in considerably less than a paper one



                            Broken but not Dead

Friendships change

They break

They heal

They adapt

They grow

People change

They hurt

They love

They laugh

They cry

Yet here I am

Unable to do so


We once had a friendship




Built upon the unshakable trust we shared





You never knew,

The things I hid

The ways I lied

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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