Parks and Laughter

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     The cool breeze lifted what little hair I had left as it whipped around my face, bringing a smile to my face. I remembered fondly a time when I had enough hair to wave in the wind like a banner on days like these, but alas, those days were no more.

     I had come here to write, as I often did, but this time, I didn't know what to write. The fading light and the atmosphere continued to distract me, until I finally set down her laptop with a small sigh. I'd never get any writing done with these circumstances, but I could always people watch. There was no end to people at the park, and the little kids were always fun to observe.

     "Higher, higher! Push me higher, AG!" The laughter of a little girl on the swings called my attention, and I glanced over at the small group. A faint smile touched my lips as I observed the happily child and their mother. "Hello! Goodbye! Hello! Goodbye!" The call of the second child caught my attention, and I realized she was chanting the same phrase over and over as she went forward and backwards on the swing.

     Faint laughter from the pipe behind me caught my attention, and then faint whispering. Ah, young love, or perhaps a blossoming friendship. Whatever the case, the boy and girl that had gone into the pipe seemed happy enough, and goodness knows we all need a little more joy in our lives.

     I saw a friend, and waved. One thing led to another, and I found myself in the pipe with all 3 of them, having fun and laughing. "Hey guys, anyone want to write something in the pipe?" I said with a grin, holding out my sharpie. It was promptly snatched from my hand, and laughter ensured as two of them fought over what to draw first. One initialed it, and the other wrote one of those love hearts with her and his names in the center.

     The sharpie was returned to me, and I initialed the top of the pipe upside down before returning it to my pocket. By this point everyone was just laughing and having fun, as friends do. The subject of senior trip came up, and I exchanged numbers with one of the girls so we could talk about it more later.

     Alec, the only boy in this friend group, went over to the kid climbing wall and sat down. "This slide is terrible!" He complained, and I had to laugh. He wasn't even on the slide, but the laughter from the two beside me joined mine all the same. Alec was funny, leaving and then coming back to throw rocks or sticks at the three of us girls.

     As he left again, off to collect more ammo no doubt, a slight calm ensured. The music that Alice, the friend I had first waved to, was playing wafted through the medium sized pipe, and it brought back memories from middle school. Alec came back and enlisted Alice's help to climb on top of the pipe, and then it was laughter and smiles again.

     "Fuck a chicken strip!" Alec said, laughing. I giggled, not missing the obvious Vine reference. I sat back and let the conversations wash over me, enjoying this feeling. I hadn't hung with friends in forever, and it gave me a warm feeling inside.

     The conversation steered to Snapchat, and I laughed along with them as they described their various snaps and comparing how ugly or pretty they looked in the different filters. We chatted about the newest filter, one that flipped both your eyes and mouth upside down. Alice took a selfie with it and we all cringed together, the laughter we gave forth filled with disgust and joy.

     A new song came on, Someone Like You, and we all gasped at the same time and started singing. Alec was off-key, but none of cared, this song brought back middle school memories. One flashlight on a phone turned on, then another, then a third. Alec jokingly complained that he didn't have his phone. "Take it away, Alec!" Christy, the other girl, called out with a smile on her face. He sang the chorus with gusto.

     "Let's listen to my throwback playlist." Alice said, and Alec strode by, dancing, as we started singing. "I'd catch a grenade for ya~" We sang together, laughing the whole time. "Give ya all I had, you tossed it in the trash~" The song ended all too soon, and we said our goodbyes as we parted ways.

     I headed to my car and checked my phone; 2 new texts. Both from my parents, ugh. They wanted me home, but that was fine by me seeing as I was already headed that way. As I drove home, I hummed the songs I had sang with my friends, a slightly goofy grin on my face, I hadn't had that much fun in ages, and I doubt it would ever happen again.

     I got home fairly quickly, and once I had parked and gone inside, I sat down to write. This time, I knew exactly what I wanted to write.

After all, what's better than telling a story that nearly anyone can relate to?


Hey guys. Fun story, right?

It's all true. I just had an amazing time with friends at the park, but as soon as I got home my parents slammed with with some new rules for using the car, such as me not being allowed out of the freaking house after dark.

I mean, seriously?! I live in a tiny town, where literally the worst thing that happens after dark is you trip on a rock in the darkness and fall over. 

Ugh. Parents suck sometimes.


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Until next time,


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