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     She took a shuddering breath, her hands limp at her side. She had driven for days to get here, and yet now that she had arrived, she was afraid to knock at the door. The door in question swung open suddenly, causing her to stumble back and she started to fall.

     A warm hand caught hers before she fell, and she glanced up with a startled gaze. The blood rushed to her cheeks instantly as she gazed at him, the moment seeming almost suspended in time. All to soon it was over, and she blushed and stammered an apology as he helped her up. "-so sorry, Shadow. I didn't know you were there and-"

    He held up a finger, and she fell silent, her cheeks burning. His smile was warm, but she suddenly felt awkward just standing there. She hadn't told him she was coming, and she had no idea if she was interrupting something right now or not.

"I'm glad you're here, Rose." The words he spoke caused her to smile, and she hugged him gently, conveying the words that she couldn't speak. He hugged her back, and they stood there quietly.

After a few moments, the wind started to cut through the jackets both of them were wearing, and Rose shivered. Shadow broke the embrace with a smile and invited her inside.

Once inside, Rose turned to Shadow, a determined look on her face. "I... I have a Christmas gift for you. It's... It's a bit unorthodox, but I thought you might like it. Is... Is there someplace quieter we could go?"

Shadow smiled. "Of course. We can go upstairs, it's a lot quieter up there, because most of my family is downstairs right now." He started down the hall to the stairs, gesturing for Rose to follow him. She did, and they both went up the stairs as quietly as they could. They entered a room with a two seat sofa, little more than a traditional love seat.

Once they were sitting down, Shadow turned to Rose with his gentle smile still on his face. "What did you want to show me?" he asked in a warm tone, his gaze finding hers.

"Well..." Rose took a deep breath, desperately trying to calm down. She had never done something like this before, and it made her anxious. Letting out a final breath, she handed him the small basket she had brought.

     He took it with a warm hand, and pulled out the card inside first. Opening it gently, his smile deepened as he read it.

"Roses are red
Your smile is like art
Now that it's Christmas
I hope you'll accept my heart."

     Her blush was so deep now that it was nearly red, and she looked down at her scuffed shoes, unsure of how her gift would be taken. She didn't notice his smile widening, or the glittering warmth in his eyes as he pulled out the small crystal heart that was also in the basket.

     "Oh Rose... It's lovely." she glanced up at his words, her gaze seeking out his. "Do... Do you really mean that?" she said quietly. He nodded, and embraced her in a warm hug. "Of course I do, mi amore."

     And so they sat there, hugging softly, without words.

And they were happy.



Merry Christmas, my lovable boyfriend. Here's the gift I promised you, I hope you like it. 😘

I hope you had a good Christmas, mi amore.

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