An Eye for an Eye

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     The gun in my hand shook slightly as I trained it on my best friend. The young girl behind me whimpered, but I ignored it. Moving forward slightly, I advanced on the one I once trusted.

     "We can talk about this, Ester, it doesn't have to be this way." His pleading words, the same I once spoke to him. But this time, the tables had turned. No longer did he have any power over me.

     "You killed them, Vival. When I was no older than she was." My voice shook almost as badly as my hand as I used my free hand to point at the trembling little girl beside me. "Do you know what it's like to grow up without parents? Unable to form relationships with other people because as a little kid, you thought it was your fault your parents were killed? Do you have ANY IDEA THE HELL I WENT THROUGH BECAUSE OF YOU?!"

     My raised voice caused the young girl to huddle closer to me. I almost felt bad about what I was going to do.


     "I was hired to do it, Ester!" He pleaded, his eyes trained on mine. "I didn't even know they had a kid, once I found out do you know how much I regretted it? Why do you think I sought you out in middle school? Became friends with you? I knew what I'd done was wrong, I was trying to make up for it! Hell, I was barely a year or two older than you when this all happened!"

     I let out a cackle, this guy was unbelievable.  "Make up for it? Make up for it?! You killed the ONLY FAMILY I HAD!" I paused, taking a deep breath to calm myself down. I knew that getting upset would only give him an advantage. "You had a choice. And you chose wrong." My voice was steel. Nothing he could say would change what would happen today.

     Vival hung his head, his voice low as he answered. "I know I chose wrong. And every single day of my life I've regretted that choice. Everyday I wish I could go back and change it, give you the life that you were supposed to have." He raised his head, his galaxy eyes meeting my own brown ones. "Please... Don't do this to my daughter. She's done nothing wrong, I'm the one who hurt you. Not her. She's barely a child, let her go and I'll take whatever punishment you see fit. Just... Don't hurt her."

     Pleading? He never pleaded. I narrowed my eyes at him, the gun in my hand steadying. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of hurting her." I hissed, glaring at Vival with a fury to match the sun. "She'll grow up quite well after I finish off you. Your wife is already dead, I took care of her this morning. Your daughter will come live with me." I smiled, cruel and triumphant. The ultimate trump card... He could do nothing while his daughter's life hung in the balance.

     "An eye, for an eye." I whispered as I pulled the trigger.  It was over silently and quickly, Vival falling to the ground within seconds of the bullet entering his chest. As the light faded from his eyes, I saw a glimmer of desperation. Then, he was gone.

     Turning to the young girl beside me, I offered her my hand. "Come, Carol. I'll take you home." Soft, sweet, trusting. She would be my new daughter.

     She took my hand, and at once a thousand micro needles in the sedation pad I held released into her, causing an almost immediate collapse. Scooping her up quickly, I dropped the gun behind me and set off, carrying my new child.

     She wouldn't even remember this day because of what was in the sedative. All my plans had finally come to fruition.

     "An eye for an eye." came a whisper from the dark.


Wow look at Cassia back at it again with her bullshit.
I saw a prompt
Was bored
And did I thing.

I'm kinda a fan of the name Vival, I made it up while writing this story. What do y'all think?

Anyways. Let me know of you liked the story or not in the comments below!

Until next time,


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