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This is an amazing project by Kenzie-Winchester.

So this project is pretty self explanatory. It's to help others be positive about their body...which is pretty rare these days. At least to me it is.

Which is why I want to participate in this project. Many people think poorly about their body, and I don't want that. I, and many others in this project, want everyone to be confident in their body.

"You are what you love, not who loves you." - Patrick Stump - Save Rock And Roll

This song quote inspires me a lot. I feel that people are always trying to be what others want them to be like...sometimes including body type. But this line says to be who you are, not who others what you to be like. So if you ever feel uncomfortable with how others want you to be like, then forget them and be who YOU are comfortable with being.

"That the world is ugly, but you're beautiful to me." - Gerard Way - The World Is Ugly

This song quote inspires me so much. So it's talking about how society's view on 'beauty' is messed up, and they just make people feel bad. Which is unarguably true. And even though the person doesn't fit society's view of beauty, they are still beautiful. People try to make themselves like what society expects them to be like. It makes them feel like they need to change. But they don't because they are already perfect as they are.

If you ever feel that the size of your body is 'wrong' well don't feel that way because there is no such thing as having a 'wrong ' body size. Be happy with who you are.

I know I'm not the most inspiring person, but if anyone is seeing this, I hope this helped and brightened your day, or at least made you smile a bit.


Spread the positivity.

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