Chapter Two

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WHEN Snowy opened the door she saw the two most unlikely people in the lounge: Daniel and Frank. Daniel was almost never at home around this time of the day. No one knew where he went just that he came back either with a smile on his face or looking as grumpy as Benjamin. Frank was surprisingly sober and Snowy almost did a double take when she saw him. Frank was a grade below Snowy at school so they hardly ever see each other at school or at home.

“Oh wow this is a treat. How are you guys doing?” Snowy said walking into the room.

 “Heita Snowy, I’m starved could you make me some lunch?” D said in his sleepy voice. He actually looked like he was sleep talking even with his eyes open.

“Yeah me too, I so hungry.” F added. It was so surprising to Snowy to hear his voice not slurred by alcohol or drugs. All the brothers knew about Frank’s drinking and drugs but all interventions were useless. Benjamin hoped that he was going through a phase and it would all pass. Adam being the doctor in the family was constantly handing him pamphlets about rehab and the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Snowy just tended to ignore F when he was stoned. What was great though was he was a chilled out stoner and drunk so he never caused any problems for anyone.

“Shouldn’t you be high and shouldn’t you be asleep?” she asked f and d respectively

“Hahaha, you’ve jokes. Please I’m starved.” D replied in his sleepy voice. His voice just made everyone as lethargic as he was. Snowy went to the kitchen and made sandwiches for the two brothers. She also started cooking the supper before everybody else came back. Ephraim had dropped her off and was now on his way to pick up G from his school. Despite his hypochondria G was a very athletic boy. Snowy cooked the meals in exchange for not having to do the dishes. The large house meant that washing the dishes was a laborious task. That evening she did her homework and worked on her essay. After that she went to the gym and worked on her dancing. Their house was quite large with seven bedrooms en suite a lounge area and a dinning area. The house was two storeys with a basement and an attic. The basement had been converted into the gym and the attic was Caleb’s room. Each brother had his own room with Adam having the master bedroom. When Caleb moved to the attic they converted his room into the entertainment room. When Snowy moved in with them they offered to reconvert the entertainment room into a bedroom for her. Snowy had declined the offer not wanting to inconvenience the guys. In the end they divided the attic to two rooms for Caleb and Snowy and added mirrors to the gym and made a makeshift dance studio for her. Snowy pushed herself everyday to punishing lengths. Never stopping until she could almost collapse with exhaustion.


Henry arrived in class five minutes before everybody else. Just like yesterday Snowy was already sitting on her spot reading a book.

“Morning Snowy how are you today.” He said greeting her

“Hi Henry” she said lifting her head fleetingly to greet him

“What exactly are we supposed to do with this book report?” Henry asked. He knew what he was supposed to and had already picked a book to write on. He just wanted to have an excuse to talk with Snowy some more without her shying away from him. He had noticed that she was not exactly shy. She just was uncomfortable with interacting with people unless it was academically related. He had yet to see her speak to anyone in any of the classes voluntarily.

“I think the teacher just wants you to take the most unlikely view on the book. Speak about characters that seem insignificant find an alternative meaning of events. Anything that will make him question his initial impression of the books.” She replied. This was the longest she had spoken to him since they met.

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