Chapter Six

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For a week Snowy felt jumpy. As much as she was scared about the future and what would happen, she was angry as herself. She had worked hard on getting over the past. She didn’t have an excuse to be jumping scared of her own shadow. So what Boet saw her? It’s been more than four years and she has changed a lot. What are the chances that he actually recognised her? Plus he probably never even paid her much attention back then anyway. She should stop looking over her shoulder expecting her past to rain in on her parade. Nights were the worst for Snowy. The nightmares she had after her ‘accident’ four years ago returned with vengeance. She would spent half the night lying awake afraid to sleep and dream. She would go to the studio and work out or dance till she passed out from exhaustion. At least then she could fall into a dreamless sleep until the next morning. She even stopped going on her morning jogs because she was afraid of something happening. Thanks to the show at town hall, Snowy finished around the same time as Ephraim on most days. On the days Ephraim wasn’t there Henry gave her a ride home. Her school work and dancing were suffering from her loss of concentration. She started spending two lunch breaks with Henry. This was mostly because Henry seemed to calm her best. After a week had gone by and nothing had happened to her she felt more relaxed. The nightmares ease up a bit and she was able to concentrate more on other things. Spending time with Henry’s friends was eye opening for Snowy. After her accident she had shut herself off from people. At first it was out of fear that people would find out about who she really was. But then it just became more of a habit for her. Now sitting and having conversations- not always ones that made sense- Snowy felt a pang of sorrow for the friendships she had lost.

“Snowy have you seen Frank?” Lisa asked

“Nope, not since Monday, sorry.” Snowy said

“Isn’t he your boyfriend so you should know where he is?” Mike said to Lisa

“Yeah but he’s Snowy’s brother or something. They live in the same house and stuff.” Lisa said

“Yes well. Frank has been his own boss for more than two years now. As long as he checks in he can do pretty much anything he wants.” Snowy explained, she was still uncomfortable having to talk to people about herself and her personal life. Not that Frank was her personal life, but she didn’t know how much he had told the others about their family.

“Yeah Lisa, you should keep a tighter leash on your dog.” Mike said causing the table to laugh.

Lisa mumbled under her breath ignoring Mike. She was in a sour mood because she hadn’t seen Frank since Friday and it was Wednesday now. Also he was ignoring her calls and not answering her messages.

“It’s been two weeks now.” Henry said to Snowy

“Since what?” she asked him

“Since I asked you out. I would have said something sooner, but you have been distracted lately and I didn’t want for you to have concrete reasons to reject me.” Henry explained

“And what makes you think that I don’t have concrete reasons to say no now?”

“Well you said no because we didn’t know each other well. We’ve been official friends for two weeks now, unofficial for three. Also I’m awesome and a great catch if you haven’t noticed yet. Any girl would be lucky to go out with me.” he said with a cocky grin

“And where are you going to take me. I don’t think there is a place that can accommodate you and that big head of yours” Snowy said

“Oh man she got you good!” Mike said laughing and drawing attention to the two

“What did I miss?” Thandi asked as she sat down next to Henry

“I’m trying to convince Snowy here to go out on a date with me.” Henry explained to her

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