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"Tell me the story again mommy." Marie said to her mother. It was bedtime at the Baker household. Mrs Baker was tucking in her eight-year-old daughter that night.

"But I tell you this story every night Marie." She said to her daughter

"Please, please, please mommy." Marie whined pulling a puppy-dog face.

Mrs Baker chuckled as her manipulative daughter's expression. She already knew she was going to have to tell the story but she liked to tease her daughter even just a little bit "Okay I'll tell just this once."

Marie gave a cheer of excitement. This was her favourite story in the whole wide world. She made herself comfortable in the bed with her hand in her mother's.

"The once was a couple who loved each other very much. They had grown up together as friends and when they were bigger they got married" Mrs Baker began

"Like me and Brent." Marie chipped in like she always did

"Yes like Brent and you. The wedding was beautiful. It was like a king and queen were getting married. There were thousands of people there to wish them happiness."

"Did he get her a horse carriage?" Marie asked

"Yes he did, the horses were white and the carriage gold and beautiful. They were very happy about their marriage and wanted to share their lives with a child. After many years of being married they still didn't have a child and they started to feel very sad."

"What did they do mommy?"

"Well the woman she was sitting by her window one winter night looking into the white lawn when she saw a red rose in the snow."

"My teacher says there are no plants in winter" Marie volunteered

"But this was a special rose, it was made of magic. When she saw it she closed her eyes and made a wish. She wished for a child with hair as dark as the night, skin as white as the snow and lips as red as the magic rose."

"Did the magic rose work mommy, did it?" Marie asked excited. One could almost believe she had never heard this story before

"Yes nine months later the woman gave birth to a daughter as with hair as dark as the night, skin as white as snow and lips as red as the magic rose. And they decided to name their daughter Snowy"

"Just like me mommy!"

"Yes just like you. They were so happy to have a child as that beautiful they could share their lives with. They loved her very much and lived happily ever after"

After tucking in her daughter Mrs Baker left her room and switched of the light. She felt much weaker that night and she knew the end was near. She had a faint smile on her lips as she thought about her daughter sleeping on the other side of the door. She made her way to the stair case to go to her husband. She started coughing painfully. She hadn't been coughing that badly in months and was hopeful she was getting better. The cough wrecked her body painfully and she struggled to breath. She tripped as she got to the top of the stairs and fell down the stairs with a yelp.


I know your secret, Marie Baker, watch your back. Snowy looked around her before looking back at the paper in her hands. Her hands were shaking from shock and fear. She had opened her locker when the paper had fallen out like somebody and stuck it in there. She could hear her heart roaring in her ears as her breathing got more laboured. Her face paled to a sickly white and she propped herself against the locker. This was bad really bad. Memories raced through her mind in fast forward as she panicked. Breathe, snowy breathe; she commanded herself. Forcing her heart to calm down she took deep breaths in and out again. She looked around again expecting to see... who? She didn't know who she was looking for. A headache was starting to develop as she pushed the memories back into the dark corner they deserve to be in.

One Last Dance: the tale of Snow WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now