Chapter Four

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Where is Frank? That was the number one question in the Dwarves household on Monday Morning. Snowy had woken up and went for her morning jog before preparing the large breakfast she had to prepare for her family.

“Good Morning sunshine.” Adam greeted her as he entered the kitchen. He was in a happy mood because he had gotten the weekend off and felt refreshed. Benjamin was already there with his first cup of coffee for the morning

“The weekend off clearly treated you well.” Snowy said to him

“Yeah, I wish I could have the weekend off every time” Adam said

“You could if you went to private practice.” Benjamin said grumpily

“I have too many people counting on me to be going into private practice.”  Adam said

“You are overworked and underpaid. You work more hours than any human should, Adam. I thought the late nights would end at graduation.” Benjamin said

“Aren’t you glad you’re not the doctor in the family.” Adam said

“All I’m saying is that you should reconsider your choice of employment. Maybe work part time in the private sector.” Benjamin said

“Oh yeah and how’s that working for you?” Adam said. Benjamin worked for a private firm of attorneys. As part of his contract he asked to work pro bono cases. As much as Benjamin tries to be practical and money oriented, the good guy in him causes him to accept a lot of pro bono case. Some of them are so hard and complicated that Ben spends his nights at the Law Library working on them. That is why he gets so grumpy at times. He often works on three hours of sleep and litres of coffee.

“I just think you should consider private practice until you at least finish paying your student loans.” Benjamin said to Adam

“Benjamin stop.” Adam said. This was an old argument they had once a month and Adam was feeling too good to ruin it by fighting with his brother. “Have you seen Frank lately?” he asked Snowy.

Frank was supposed to report home on Wednesdays and Sundays just so they would know he was still alive.

“Nope not since like last Monday afternoon.” Snowy replied

“He didn’t report back to me on Wednesday or yesterday.” Adam said with a frown

“He’s probably high some where. He’ll show up when he runs out of dope or money or both.” Benjamin said nonchalantly

“Yes well, I don’t want him dying of an overdose in an alley somewhere like he doesn’t have a family.” Adam said

“I told you we should get him to a rehab last year already.” Benjamin said

“We tried that two years ago and he didn’t even last a week. You can’t rehabilitate someone who doesn’t want to”

“Well then you just worry about him on your own, then.” Benjamin said as he stood up and left the kitchen

“Who are we worried about? Good morning everyone.” Ephraim said as he entered the kitchen.

“Frank is MIA again, he didn’t check in at all last week.” Snowy explained

“Yeah I was going to speak to you guys about that. He hasn’t been to school since like Monday.” Ephraim said

“Frank hardly ever attends school or even spends an entire day there.” Snowy said

“True but he goes in at least three times a week and never misses a Wednesday.” Ephraim explained. He always makes it a point to see if his brother was at school. As the only one in high school apart from Snowy he made it his duty to keep tabs on Frank.

One Last Dance: the tale of Snow WhiteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ