Chapter Seven

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Watch your back little Snow White, Marie Baker is about to make a come back. Snowy felt her blood run cold as she looked at the note tapped to the inside of her locker. It was over a month since the last note; Snowy had pushed it to the back of her head in the DO NOT OPEN closet. The corridor was empty and the school abandoned. Snowy could feel dread build-up in her stomach as she reread the note again. How could Boet have gotten into her locker? It had to be him right? No one else knew about her past and her real identity.

“Ready to go?” Henry asked Snowy.

She jumped with a squeak at his unexpected appearance. She thought he was waiting for her at his car like they had already discussed. It was after dance practice and Snowy remembered that she had left her Science book in her locker and she needed it for the day’s home work.

“Henry, you scared me; I thought you were waiting in your car.” Snowy said her hand on her chest as she willed her heart to slow down

“Yes, but you’ve been gone like fifteen minutes already I was worried.” He explained

Had it already be that long, Snowy wondered? Time had seemed to slow down as she looked at the note. “I got distracted.” She said to him

“What’s that in your hand?” he enquired

“It’s my to-do list; you know how I get if I miss doing something I should be doing.” Snowy said, “Anyways we should get going.” She said as she pushed the note into her back pocket.

“Yeah, we should go. I don’t want to spend my afternoon off at school.” Henry said. Casey had given everyone the afternoon off since it was their Town Hall performance the next evening. They had been working hard the last month. During the dance period they worked on the Town Hall Performance and after school on chorus choreography for the year-end production.

“You read my mind Prince.”

“Hey how about we have that date we were planning to have now?” Henry said

“Nope not gonna happen.” Snowy said with a sigh of relief. She could always count on Henry to make her feel better; even if he wasn’t aware he was doing it.

“Come on Snowy, what must a man do to win your reluctant heart.” Henry whined

Snowy’s heart nearly leapt out of her chest at those words. “I don’t have a reluctant heart and you are not a man.” She said

“How dare you emasculate me like that? Is it not bad enough that you have torn my heart into pieces with your reluctance and then humiliated me in front of the whole school?” Henry said dramatically

“Oh yeah and when was that?” Snowy said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice

“I all but declared eternal devotion to you in public on a daily basis and you shoot me down every time.” Henry said

“Henry, no girl likes to be put on the spot like that.” Snowy explained. “Where are you taking me?” she asked as she realised that Henry was not driving in the direction of her house

“There comes a time when a man has to man up and take things into his own hands; and that time has come for this man” Henry declared as he parked his car

Snowy gave him a puzzled stare. “You are going on a date with me whether you like it or not. But you will like it, just so you know.” Henry said

“Just as long as you are aware that I am here under protest.” Snowy said struggling to hide a grin. No one had forced her on to go on a date before. It excited her a little bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2012 ⏰

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