[#1] JOHNNY?!!

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(Key) +++ is time skip
"Italics" is speaking English
"Underline" is speaking Chinese or Japanese
•writing• is thoughts
==== is end of story or authors note

Your POV
"Alyssa! Hurry up! We need to go!" Lil shouted from the living room.
"Ok! Ok!" I shouted back as I walked out of my room, ready to go. Running down the stairs, I slipped my phone in my pocket and ran to the living room where Lil and the others where waiting for me.

"Finally" Miyuki giggled ruffling my hair slightly. I pouted and chuckled. Lil grabbed the keys as we walked out and locked the dorm behind us.


"C'mon! Alyssa hurry up!" Hye shouted as she ran up the stairs, towards our dance studio in the SM entertainments building.
"I'll meet you there! I forgot to get a drink!" I shouted back as I went towards the cafe. Hye shouted an ok before I was too far away to hear.
Walking into the cafe, I walked up to the vending machine, next to the tables.

"Water, yep, there we go" I mumbled as I got the water out. Sighing, I walked out and went up one flight of stairs. I hate doing this everyday, our studio is at the top so we have to go up 3 flight of stairs. Two left to go, yay *hint the sarcasm*.

As I turned on my heel to go up the other stairs, I bumped straight into someone.
"I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" The person asked as I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead.
"Yeah, I'm fine. And it's my fault, sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going" I said bowing and looking at my feet.

I felt a hand be placed on my shoulder. Glancing up, I saw Johnny from NCT, looking at me, worried.
"Oh my god...I'm SO sorry, Johnny! Please don't hate me and tell Lil! She'll kill me" exclaimed quickly.

"Oh so you're Alyssa? And don't worry, I won't tell her because it wasn't your fault" he smiled. I sighed.

•I should explain huh? Well, Johnny and Lil are best friends, lucky, I know. I'm a HUGE fan of NCT but only USG know about my mini fan-girl moments. Lil and Johnny have known each other for about 2 years now.•

"Thanks" I breathed out. He suddenly gasped,
"Wait! You speak English?!" He exclaimed, in a fan girl like mode.
"Yeah...?" I said in an unsure tone, not sure on where he's going with this. He started giggling like a fan-girl. I face palmed, mentally and physically. "Didn't Lil tell you I'm Canadian Korean?" I asked him. He looked at me shocked and shook his head.

•remind me to kill Lil later•

"Ah! Shoot, I'm late!" I said looking at the clock on the wall, "I got practice to go to! It was nice meeting you Johnny! I hope we can speak again soon!" I said as I ran up the stairs, running all the way to the dance studio.

"Why is she panting?" Miyuki asked. We all looked at her confused,
"Korean please, Miyuki" Lil shaked her head. Miyuki laughed nervously,
"Eheh, sorry" she grinned nervous. We nodded and went to dance practice.

•serious mode is activated or what?!•

ok so, that's all for today.
Sorry that it's really short, I didn't know what to put for the first part.
Sorry if it's crappy! But aannyywwaayyss,
I HOPE you wnjoyed it! If ya did, please comment, add, whatever,
Or just sit there and read it, up to you tbh. I don't care.

BUT I just wanna say THANKS for reading! I hope you read or at least enjoy the rest of this story.


that's it for now,
LAK MDB - out!

Flower [NCT Mark Lee FF] DISCONTINUEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ