Chapter 10

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"Augh! Light!"

Green covered his eyes with his hands. We had just exited Dark Cave, and we were standing on Route 31, blinded by the sun. I squinted at the path ahead of us. It didn't look too long, and we could probably sprint through it without encountering pokemon or trainers.

"Let's run through it," I suggested. Green nodded in agreement.

"Sounds good," he panted. "Ready? Set? Go!"

The two of us took off running. I kept my eyes peeled on the road ahead of us, pointedly not making contact with the bored trainers milling around on the route. I hopped and jumped around small patches of grass, not wanting to risk a pokemon encounter.

"We're almost there," I huffed, sweat pouring down my face. Green nodded, clearly relieved. All of a sudden, a girl stepped into our path, hands on her hips. Her long, blond hair tumbled down her shoulder, and her sunset-colored parka barely covered her chest. I skidded to a halt.

"Hey," she said, breathlessly. Her voice was flirty, and I could tell the 'hey' was directed at Green, not me. Green paused, taking in the sight of the girl.

"Um, hi," he stammered, running his hand through his hair. I rolled my eyes. If Green was attracted to this type of girl, he was almost as bad as Gold.

The girl shifted her weight to her other hip, letting her (very) short jean shorts slide off her hip... barely. She flung her hair over her shoulder and batted her eyelashes.

"What brings you here?" she asked, more out of courtesy than interest.

Green blushed. "Uh, you're here- I mean, I'm here to help my cousin- no I mean friend, defeat the gym."

The girl's eyes widened. "Ooh, so a gym challenger," she said. She blinked her eyes. "You, like, must be soooo strong."

Green nodded, "Er, yeah, I'm Oak Green," he said lamely. "Oh gee!" he exclaimed, covering his mouth. "I'm Green Oak, son- I mean grandson of Prof. Oak," he corrected himself, extending a hand.

The girl giggled and blinked again. What was with the excessive blinking? I wrinkled my nose. She was pretty disgusting.

"Miranda Candee," she said, taking Green's hand. He blushed again. "It's soooo nice to, like, meet you." She spoke like a true flirtatious idiot. I groaned.

"And you are?" she turned to me sweetly, blinking obsessively.

"Do you have an eye problem?" I responded roughly. "I know a very good eye doctor in Unova. You should go to him."

Green gave me a sharp look. "Hey, watch it," he said.

I glared at him. "Who died and put you in charge?" I shot back.

Miranda wasn't fazed by our hostile exchange. Blinking again, she responded, "It is, like, soooo nice to meet you. Well, I gotta, like, go. I'll see you guys around, ya know?" She ran off in the other direction, sneaking in a flirtatious wink to Green.

Once she was gone, Green spun on his heel. Facing me, he was the angriest I've ever seen him be. "Hey!" he exclaimed. "Why are you so rude to everyone?"

I gasped. Rude? Yeah, I may have been a little rough, but, she was soooo annoying. Like, she had a serious eye problem.

"You're the moony eyed one," I retorted. "Stop flirting with every girl you see."

"Yeah, and you're not jealous of me."

"Shut up."

"My point exactly! Stop being jealous!" Green practically yelled. He stared right at me. "You're not my boyfriend," he teased, mimicking my voice. "I'm not jealous of you."

I was irate. "Yeah, and you're here to help my cousin win some gym battles. I'm done with you, Oak Green." I turned on my heel and stalked off, leaving Green standing alone on the field. I didn't need his help anymore.

I exited the route and took my first few steps into Violet City.

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