Chapter Five

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No matter how hard and long I press the space bar, I'm still on earth.

Spiryt's apartment in the mm


My throat felt dry as I tried to calm down and prevent myself from having a panic attack.

I clenched my phone in my hand and dialed 911, waiting for the operator to pick up.

Not even on the second ring, the phone line was on.

"911, what's your emergency?" The voice sounded perky, but right about now, that was the least of my problems.

"A-A guy... he was in my house..."

"Ok, tell me what happened? Is he still there?"

I did a quick sweep of the room and let out a shaky breath. "N-no..." I croaked, my voice scratching.

"I'm tracking your number now, ma'am, tel me what he did?"

"H-he r-raped me..." I whispered.

"An ambulance is on the way, tell me your name."


"You're doing great, Spiryt, stay on the line with me, ok?"


I slid myself down to the floor and leaned against the wall, crying.

Soon enough, I heard the wails of ambulance trucks in the distance and not long after, beating on my door.

It hurt to get up, so I laid my head back and let out a shuddering sigh. "Spiryt, can you come to the door?" A voice called out from the other side.

I shook my head. "It hurts too much." I answered back.

"The landlord's coming with the key. Don't worry."

Soon enough, the door was open and a lady old enough to be my grandmother stepped aside to let the paramedics in.

A gurney was rolled into the room and they lifted me up on it.

They placed something over my mouth and the minute they did, the cold sensation of Chase's hands enclosing over my mouth came back and I started thrashing.

"N-no! No! Get off!" I shouted but my protests were muffled with the mask.

"Calm her down!" The old lady shouted.

Large hands grabbed my face, causing me to thrash even wilder. A forehead was pressed to mine and I was staring into deep green eyes. "Calm down, we have to sedate you." He tried telling me, but I couldn't.

A prick in my neck caused me to jolt and I felt tears streaming down my face.

"It's alright... It's alright..." The owner of the blue eyes said in a soothing voice.

As his voice faded, my eyes started closing  and soon enough, I was left in darkness.


When I woke up again, I was in a white room, that smelt of overly used lysol and bleach.

I looked over to my side and there was a phone. I picked it up, and dialed Gracie's number.

"H-Hello?" She somewhat moaned into the phone.

"Gracie?" My voice came out hoarse and soft.

His Spiryt (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now