Missing body

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"He did what!" Ironhide raged at the new ambassador that had taken Galloway's place after the incident in Egypt. The woman was short dressed in dress suit stood on a tall platform so she was eye level to the majority of the autobots.
"I understand your anger but we have only just discovered Galloway's activities. Before you were on your way to Egypt he made a handful of soldiers load up your fallen to transport them to a location for study." She informed the bots.
"How did he make them do it and where is Jazz?" Optimus said angered at the situation.
"Galloway threatened their careers and even in some cases threatened the careers of family members in the military."
"Bastard." Lennox said outright.
"Where your comrade is that the problem the convoy was attacked and the reports don't make sense if you look to the screen the camera footage our soldiers wear recorded the attack.
She played the footage the camera looked to be positioned on a soldier's helmet looking to be in the passenger seat as he was looking around.
"How long till we get there." The soldier asked turning to the driver slightly.
"Just before nightfall you seem jumpy." The driver said quietly.
"Yeah if this mission don't go down well that bastard will get my bro discharged. You know how hard he's working to get promoted." His voice sad.
"Well if he didn't have us by the balls right now with him being a superior dick I would shoot him would make our lives easier. Let's just get this job done." The driver says then the cab goes silent for a minute before a the radio buzzed in.
"We got an old heap of junk coming on your six slow speed up we don't want to get stuck behind that dinosaur." The other group in the vehicle behind reported.
A second later there was a bright flash and tress on the side of the road toppled the camera moves around frantically becoming blurred, the trees cut off the road blocking the second convoy vehicle from following.
"Shit we're on our own keep going, take this left this route must of been leaked." The convoy vehicle drove down a narrow bending road towards the nearest main road.
"You think we lost them." The camera moves to look out the window which showed the road was clear.
"They're gone, get us out of here." The soldier sat back in his chair. In the distance a pick up truck came into view heading towards them.
It didn't attack just went straight passed but spun round abruptly on the convoys tail.
"Someone's on the roof shoot him off." The driver said the camera began to move again as the soldier looked to sit on the window hanging out the vehicle  and when the camera stilled a small figure came into focus who was turned away from the soldier wearing all black.
"Get off now or we will shoot this is your only warning." The man yelled at the person but person just stood there standing unwavering even while the vehicle was speeding. Just then the person went down to his knees and the vehicle shuddered. The soldier fired the gun but the vehicle began to transform throwing the soldiers out of the stopping truck. The person jumped down off the large truck and ignored the soldiers that were groaning in obvious pain as he jumped in the drivers seat and the truck took off with the other empty pick up truck following.
"What do we know about the person not one shot of the face seemed to know what he or she was doing, wearing baggy over sized clothes that covered faced and not speaking." Lennox informed while the autobots looked at each other.
"How had the truck turn into a robot we scan all vehicles before they are used to prevent this." Eps asked and the bots began to communicate through their coms to prevent begin over heard.

"Optimus, what do you think was that human looking thing a mere human or do you think it was a decepticon." Ironhide asked his leader and Optimus thought for a moment.
"Highly unlikely to be a decepticon as cons don't go to such lengths to hide facial features as we can change them anytime we need to." Optimus replies and the Bots begin to talk.
"Bumblebee go over the camera footage for anything we missed Ratchet start scanning the state's for unknown signatures to pinpoint their location. Sideswipe, Ironhide find a decepticon and find out why would they be interested in Jazz's body and any other information." The leader ordered and the Bots scattered.

"Put him over there and keep the little devil's occupied while I work." The woman said half jogging to keep up with the robot which carried the mangled body of a robot that was not one of her own.
"Sure thing I still don't know why you want this one." The woman looked up at the largest and first of her children she had rebuilt his body which was once a rusted old truck waiting to be crushed and disposed of within a pile of other cars. The woman had saved him as she sensed him worth more than what he was.
"Because like you I sense that he would be needed and also Jazz here didn't belong where he was going so we are intervening." She said as the two halves were placed on a large table. The woman stood on a large stool to reach Jazz's body she began assessing the damage ripped in half some parts missing which would need replacing a recharge would also need a major recharge with a shock to reactivate his spark.
"Get Fleck to search for some parts but remind him to stay within the wards I set up Jazz here will have friends looking for him and until he's fix I don't want intruders okay oh and make sure newbie eats and then tell him to come here." He nodded then left, leaving her to work alone. Now alone she picked up two wires and reconnected them she would go back and weld them together later.
"You a mess now but give me time and I'll have you up and running in no time your friends must be missing you." She muttered to the still body.

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