Meet the family

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The bot all began firing questions at sparks while she soothed the little ones it had been stressful on them without her.

"Sparks you feeling okay you don't look well maybe you should go see that doctor." NightFlint asked watching sparks wince as Leadstrike coiled round her in a hug and two small bots climbed up her back to hang off her neck.

"I'm fine Flint, just a little sore nothing to worry about they been treating you fairly." Sparks asked placing the last of the small bot back on the ground to look over all of her children for any injuries.

Sandtrap her largest and most short tempered of her children was the first she checked over he was a solid bot that was also the newest edition to her family from Jazz's rescue his camo colouring was scratched up indicating he had been fighting again.

"Trap you been fighting Rock again if I catch you two fighting again I'll weld you both together for a week got it?" Both large bots nod and look almost sheepish. Rock was older and should of known better but he was a fighter and was happy to throw the next punch. Rock stood a few metres shorter than Sandtrap but was sleeker in build and was a dusty blue. 

The twins NightFlint and SkyFlare were next to be seen they were in no different condition and were quiet both their paint colours faded from the sun to a dull blue and orange.

Talon and Obsidian were the baby's of the family as they were tiny in size compared to the others which were designed to resemble large dogs. The last of the bots is Leadstrike a large snake bot who needed some light welding done from shrapnel that had damaged her outer coat. 

Her bots were settled down to recharge when Ratchet came storming in to find her sat on the floor with Talon and Obsidian curled up against her sides.

"Found her call off the search the femme is with the neutrals." Ratchet spoke into his com link loudly.

"Shh." The femme glared at the medic looking round seeing they were still sleeping.

"You should not be out of bed you will be returning to the medbay now." Ratchet ignored her and the two little bots began to wake up. The femme glared daggers.

"Do you know how long it takes to get them to sleep?" She hissed before more autobots rushed in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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