Open spark surgery

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The team made it to the large cargo plane twenty miles out Optimus decided to split the team up to save space for ratchet to work on the femme as her condition began to deteriorate so ratchet was forced to undergo an open spark surgery while flying to base. Optimus, Leadstrike, Ratchet and Jolt took the cargo plane while Ironhide led the rest  by road to Washington DC.

Ratchet struggled in patching up the small femme she was so small in his stretched out server which was serving as an emergency operating table while his hologram worked on the femme while they rode back to their base in the cargo plane given to NEST for these situations. The plane rocked slightly as the plane hit the cross winds which prevented ratchet from retrieving the bullet wedged in the femmes tiny spark, one error and the bullet would further pierce the small crystal which hummed softly.

Ratchet tried again using a pair of tweezers the monitors went crazy to his side as the femme crashed using the tweezers he removed the bullet carefully the proceeded to meld the damage closed using a fine laser. The female was still crashing as systems began shutting down due to the disruption in energy flow through the spark.

"Jolt give me a wire I need to give her spark a jump start lower the voltage to your lowest setting." Ratchet said he took the live wire from Jolt and attached both ends to the fading spark.

"Do something!" Leadstrike the snake bot squealed in panic Optimus blocked her path to prevent her from getting in the way.

"Now." The femmes body tensed for a second before relaxing as the electricity coursed through her systems the spark flickered slightly but still looked to be fading.

"Again raise the voltage." Ratchet ordered.

"Now." The body tensed further then relaxed nothing the snake whimpered and shivered in Optimus's server.

"Should I raise it to highest setting? Maybe that will work she was emitting high energy before her systems can take it." Jolt suggested quickly.

"Fine, three two one now." The femme's chest rose and fell suddenly and the spark glowed brightly sending waves of energy outward. Satisfied with the spark's even pulses the bot began to close her up. Ratchet watched in fascination as her skin folded back into place before a faint blue line ran along the incision sealing it within seconds leaving no scaring.

"Wow. No need for stitches then. She's stable you should get a recharge before we get back." Jolt commented then adjusted the IV fluids with a weak energon solution.

"Job well done old friend." Optimus congratulated Ratchet and Jolt before they all took the time to rest before touching down at base.

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