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Jazz spent hours sending new coding to the ancient satalite but if this worked it would be a miracle. The last of the coding went through just needed to be uploaded. Once he had finished uploading it was now a case of the satalites getting into position a few hours later the scan was ready to start one click of a button why was he hesitating he felt himself forcing his digit down on the key to start the scan.
It took a few minutes for a complete scan of America and he brought it up on screen. As a whole in looked normal but jazz knew he would have to zoom in and search each state which could take days given that the range of the femme's cloaking devise had a three mile radius. This was going to take awhile so he decided to start on it tomorrow.
It took two weeks to find several areas that match the range of the cloaking device that were located in low populated areas where there would be less survalence. Now they had to search each area on the forth area they where certain this was the right place as it matched all previous confirmed location small town nearby and the blackout area was directly over an abandoned scrap yard. This would be Jazz's first mission out of base as they thought the femme would be more comfortable with him over the other autobots.
The team split up into three groups one to make first contact the second to cover the back of the property the third to roll in the case backup was needed all humans would set up a wide perimeter to avoid coming into contact with civilians. The first contact would be made by Optimus, Jazz, Ironhide and Ratchet an once everything was prepared the four autobots approached the scrap yard by the road a plan to be easily seen to try and seem less intimadating. Once they drove into the blackout zone their sensors went crazy before they became accostumed to the large charge in the air. Entering the scrap yard it looked abandoned nothing moved. Out of a small building a small covered up femme walked up cloth covered her face hiding all features. She walked up to them.
"Leave I have no issue with your kind." She spoke loudly her voice was horse sounding strained.
Optimus was the first to begin transforming the others followed suit the femme stood her ground not backing down.
"I apologise for your discomfort with our presence but we need to talk." Optimus said crouching down he scanned the femme the high energy readings in the air where eminating from the femme.
"Your presence isn't what upsets me who follows you does." She snapped at the leader.
"Easy no humans here we set up our own perimeter to prevent our enemies and those after you from getting close." Jazz said in an easy tone the eyes of the femme softened glancing at Jazz.
"They'll find a way. It's good to see you up Jazz. Has there been any pain along the welding line." She asked ignoring the others.
"It's fine. Thanks for everything." Jazz said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Your welcome now please leave." She turned to back to Optimus seeming to lose her patience with them. This was her home and all she wanted was to be left alone away from those she didn't trust.
"Please hear me out. We want to take you with us to offer you sanctuary among the autobots before the decepticons are aware of your abilities. If they were to know they would use you to creature army to wipe us all out." Optimus warned.
"I know they're just like the humans greedy and have a thirst for destruction over 70 years doesn't change much same wars different players." The woman spoke softly before looking to the rubbish pile and a robotic snake slithered out towards the woman.
"Leadstrike, what are you doing." She scolded the sliver bot as it slithered up the femme's frame curling around her feet hiss at the big robots.
"Easy, wait 70 you don't bear the visual condition of a human of that age." Ratchet said the energy waves emitted from her messed with his scanner.
"I'm not human now am I?" She crossed her arms over her chest the snake bot hissing as the autobots the femme just rested her gloved hand into the snake's head calming it instantly. She then removed the gloves and head scarf showing her face finally (see pic above). A shot rang out and the femme was thrown back against a pile of assorted car parts then chaos erupted.

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