Waking up

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"Nothing has turned up on our scanners we can't pinpoint a location yet but Ironhide has just captured a decepticon we'll get answers there." Optimus told Lennox and his men.
"What do want us to do." Eps asked to him, Optimus thought hard for a moment.
"Get the east warehouse empty of all technology to reduce the chance of decepticons locating their soldier." Half of the men saluted him before running off to get the job done.
"Major I don't think this is a decepticon attack." Lennox responded with a shocked expression.
"If not the decepticons then who?" Lennox thought aloud.
"Once we get that decepticon back here we can get answers or rule them out." Just then several trucks drove up to the hanger doors.
"This can't be good. Black suvs mean shits going down." Eps groaned. Men got out walking straight up to robots.
"Agent Noris former sector seven now part of a classified organization you don't have the clearance to know. We are taking all information about last week's attack this is not autobot business." The middle aged man demanded.
"It became our business when our fallen was taken." Ironhide argued.
""And when we locate him we will return him leave it to us your only jurisdiction is matters that involve decepticons." The man persisted.
"So you know that those attacking where alien technology specifically our designs which put it our jurisdiction." Lennox argued back.
"I am not allowed to reveal classified information sonny but this matter goes above your pay grade." The man took out papers handing them to Lennox who read them.
"This was dated seventy years ago." The major argued tossing them back.
"But they are still active and sector seven was disbanded so these are invalid to NEST." The men began taking the computers.
"Take it up with the president who gave us jurisdiction." He said before walking back to the car.
"That president is dead so we won't be walking away from this." Eps called out.

Once the men left Optimus spoke.
"Decepticons are not behind this and they know who is see if you can find out who they are, they didn't get the video it was downloaded to a separate devise." He spoke low to his trusted men.
"The file was marked code named wing clip that's something to go on it."
"If it has something to do with sector seven we should contact former agent Simmons he may know something." Optimus said low.

Jazz began to come to but couldn't move or see very well.
"Hello can you hear me. Blink twice if you can hear me." Jazz blinked slowly confused.
"Okay hun, I know your more than likely feeling dizzy and disoriented its normal I want you to blink twice if you can feel this okay I need to do this so I know if all your wires are connected." Jazz couldn't move away where was Ratchet he would never let some stranger fix him. She jabbed something into his foot and he wanted to curse in pain he blinked and then she continued with his other limbs he wanted to crush the bitch he tried to contact his comrades through his com but nothing.
"Good if you can feel your limbs that means I connected them correctly did you have to get yourself to ripped in half in practically had to replace nearly all your wiring connecting your upper torso to your lower torso." She said he tried to blink rapidly to clear the fog in his eyes he managed to move his head slightly.
"Hold still your eyes are covered in dirt." He could feel a fleshy hand on his face and then irritation of material against his optics. Within a moment of blinking the light glared at him making him flinch.
"Wait a moment I'll dim the lights." There was a rattle of metal and then the lights dimmed allowing him to see the inside of a barn or something. He still couldn't speak and the female voice was out of his sight.
"You must have questions and want to get up but when you have a extensive recharge you'll be moving around more and ill tell you everything. Your safe here all you need to know now is that you've been dead for over a year, I managed to intercept your journey to a research lab that a human had arranged behind your comrades backs while they were away fighting. Now I want you to recharge now." A year of being offline he remembered fighting Megatron then nothing he was confused and wanted to know more.
"Sleep." Jazz shook his head but began to feel like he was being drained.
"You don't have a choice we'll speak later." And with that Jazz blacked out.

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