When bullets rain down

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Multiple bots emerged from the piles of scrap. The autobots backed up. One large bot covered the fallen femme.
"Sandtrap help us." The snake Robot covered the small femme shouted. Two large bots charged at the autobots.
"Leave us alone we don't want you here you led them right to her." One said before punching Ironhide in the face.
"Ratchet get to the femme she will need medical attention." Optimus called out the autobots were pushing forward forcing the bots back they didn't offline them though just used hand to hand combat to force them back.
"We are only here to help protect the human from those who want to harm her let us help her." Optimus said while putting the biggest bot in a choke hold.
"She wouldn't be hurt if you had just left us alone." The choking bot growled before breaking free.
Bullets began to rain down from the west and the bots separated to tack
The bots retreated and begun to run for the building only to be surrounded by the other autobots and were closing in.
"We don't  want to hurt you we need to get out if here before more explosions come down.
"Leave us alone." The was a flash of light when the light faded the bots were gone with the femme.
"Where did they go?" Ratchet questioned scanning the area but nothing.
"Optimus the attack was made by humans they are in our custody." Ironhide reported.
"Spread out find the femme." The autobot scanned the area looking at a near tash heap Jazz notice the heap looked too organised and found it was all welded together pulling it hard the pike slid away to reveal a large hole big enough for a bot to climb into.
"Ironhide, sideswipe, Jazz and Ratchet with me the others secure this area and make sure there is no more attacks.
Dropping into the hole was ungraceful as the tunnel they fell into was uneven and sloped downwards. Ratchet and Ironhide turned on their floodlights lighting up the small tunnel. Following the tracks they began to catch up to the group of neutrals.
The tunnel began to get larger.
"Cut the lights." Optimus ordered plunged into momentary darkness the bots switched to night vision and after a few moments the tunnel opened into a large cavern a few miles from the attack. Shouts rang out.
"You got to stop the bleeding." A panic feminine voice said.
"How do we do that then." One said angrily an more voices rang out.
"Ironhide, Jazz stay behind. Ratchet the femme needs medical attention you and me will go try and convince the young bots to trust us." Optimus and Ratchet carried on as the voices got louder Optimus called out.
"Please we mean you all no harm it's just me and my medic Ratchet the femme needs medical attention Ratchet can help." The other voices fell silent. Light suddenly turned on blinding the two autobots momentarily while waiting for their optics to adjust a voice called out.
"Can he help her she won't wake up." The voice was small filled with anxiety. Looking to the source of the voice Optimus found it was the snake bot that spoke.
"What are you doing they aren't one of us they can't be trusted." The large one said still blocking ratchet's way to the femme the others had backed off not wanting to get involved. All together Optimus counted seven neutrals ranging in all shapes and sizes.
"Let them help Sparks needs help that we can't give you know this Scorchline." The large bot glared at the tiny bot but removed aside.
"Hurt her and I will end you." He said before stepping out of the way. Ratchet rushed forward scaning the femme. She lay outstretched on the cold floor black liquid sweeping from her chest eyes closed.
"The bullet needs removing it is lodged in her spark she has the same inner workings as your standard cybertronian, I need to get her to medical center I don't have the tools to operate here." Ratchet said picking her up before transforming into his ambulance form with her safely inside.
"You can't just take her unless we come too." One said.
"You are welcome to join us." Optimus said to the group they all looked to each other.
"We can't leave it's not safe out there." The femme snake whispered.
"We can't leave sparks, she wouldn't leave us would she?"
"Fine." The bots all agreed and followed Optimus and Ratchet heading back to the surface.

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