Joshua who?

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Matt's pov

'Yes Charlie can we just talk about this when I get back please I need to find her first' Charlie had just called me claiming there was some important news he wanted to share with me involving Sam. This guy just had no feeling towards how she would be feeling with what he just said to her. I don't see what she ever saw in him, or even now its safe to say too.

Cutting the line now outside Sam's house I had to try my best and cheer her up moving her mind from that idiot of a boss of mine.

I would have sworn I heard a baby cry just before I rung the door bell, need to clean my ears is the first thought that comes to mind. Amy opens the door holding a knife and since I do plan on keeping my life I lift my hands up in surrender to this crazy woman.

'It's just Matt!' she yells back into the house. 'Do you want him to come in?' after slamming the door at my face and going back into the house to have a word with Sam she came back and let me in. but all before a warning of killing me if anything went out of hand.

I had never been on the wrong side of Amy so I didn't understand her threat and why it was directed at me. walking into the kitchen where all the commotion was coming from once again I'm very sure I heard a babies voice.

I come face to face with Sam and in her arms is a beautiful baby boy who I am sorry to say looks just like Charlie. What the hell is wrong with this woman?
I don't blame her for not wanting to tell Charlie but she still had to let him know at some point. So this was why she run?
what do I even say to her now?

'Hey Matthew. Since I can see you have put two and two together how about I just skip to the introductions? This little miracle of mine is called Joshua'
in her eyes I can see that she was afraid of my reaction and judgement towards her. but most of all to what it was that I would do with the news of little Joshua.

'He's beautiful. I'm so proud of you baby girl having done all this by yourself and Charlie should be ashamed of himself. Before you even ask no I will not tell him anything but I will force you to tell him yourself in time. Joshua will need his daddy there too however much of a jerk he is.'

Just with those few words I see her visibly relaxing. well done Matt you done good boy.

I walk to give her a hug as a suck greeting. it felt as if we had picked up our friendship just were we left it off nearly two years ago.
'Thanks Matt I knew I could trust you it's just that I have to be careful now that I have Joshua if means the world to me.' its obvious he does as I can clearly see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice.

'May I hold him?' I find myself asking. she hands me Joshua telling him to go to uncle Matt. I never thought I could feel that much pride in those words.

I spend the rest of the day with the two sisters and Joshua making sure to stay in doors just in case of prying eyes.

Although the staff meeting was meant to be directed by me I had managed to get off by blaming Charlie for Sam's mood just to cheer her up. from a business perspective this was not acceptable but since he was the boss I just had to suck it up and persuade him.something I had a feeling I would be doing a lot more of with Sam and now Joshua too in my life.

I was also very aware of Charlie being jealous of what he thought was us being more than friends. for now I would let him think just that although I had no thought of Sam in that way at all.

I know he's my boss really but I was also his his friend sort of. with that evaluation I don't really think I have an obligation to tell him. though I know it's gonna be bad when he finds out and also comes to the knowledge I know and didn't tell him. maybe I will book a holiday then.

Charlie’s Pov

I can’t believe I just let him spend the day with her. Now I was doing my own staff work so that he can go and do whatever the hell it was that he was doing with my Sam. Wtf?? Since when do I call her my Sam. I just need to get over her now that I really know what she really is.

Matt never came back to the office by the end of the day so I just decided to leave and come back tomorrow for the final arrangement. I had decided to postpone the staff meeting to the next day in order for Sam to be there. I would rather have her there so I could keep a close eye on her now that I had a plan of what was to come next.

Back at the hotel I asked the staff if Matt had come back yet and was informed he was yet to return. By 8pm I was fed up of waiting not really knowing what was going on so I decided to go and spy for myself. I mean I knew where she lived and it was a guarantee that both of them were going to be there.

I don’t understand why I feel so nervous about doing this though now that I have made up my mind and already on the way might as well just go all the way. I got to her house an at 9.15pm and decided to leave my car down three roads from her house to keep away suspicion I doubt anyone would notice it.

Just as I turned onto her street the image before me was not one I expected to see ever in my life. In Matt’s arms was a baby boy around 5 months old by the looks and beside him was Sam also holding on to the child. At that very moment I knew that she was a mother. Matt was a father and he never said anything. That would mean that she was cheating with Matt when she was with me. How dare they both do this? I had to put an end to what was going on. Everything had to come out into the open if they both wanted a job at the end of this. I would also make sure Matt was taken away from working so close to me after violating the old thing I have held precious after all so many years. He calls himself my friend? And that whore of a woman!! I knew just how to get to her and hit her where it hurt the most.

I will make sure the next chapter is longer than the others I have done so far. please let me know what you would like to see happen and what you think about what has happened so far. I'm just over the moon someone actually likes this so I will try my best to keep it going fast... also dont forget to vote! ;) x

what do you guys think agout Mary becoming a major character too?? let me know.

Billionaire's Secret Baby (under editing on past chapters and new ones coming up :) ... )Where stories live. Discover now